My partner had taken Deans 3 Seminar 2 years ago. He lost a close family member right after taking it and wasn't ready at the time to jump in. About a month ago, he explained to me all about the seminar and his LLC ( Insiders Cash and Veil Corp) and knowing I had 2 months left at my job and over 3200.00 in bills a month...he asked me to partner with him which I thought was a very nice thing to do. I was extremely grateful. Since then; I have been eating, sleeping and thinking about assigning and wholesaling to get started. To get our feet wet.
He called someone from Dean's company and all that person did why try to sell him coaching. My friend read up on the coaching and looked on the internet and It didn't get very good reviews....On something called PMI I believe. I know this is called up-selling and my friend didn't have to listen to it or take it.
We have contacted some realtors that will work with us, have a cash buyers list and now he is totally turned off. Here I am with my hopes up....Thanking God that he put someone in my life that could actually help and teach me to turn my life around and I have had the rug pulled out from underneath me.
I don't have any money...not a dime, I don't have any credit and I don't have one person to borrow any money from. This is because of a bad divorce. I am going to lose everything because I know that even assigning will cost me something...Something that I absolutely don't have.
I worked so hard at this and I just feel like I never become the success story...I just read about them.
I honestly have no place to turn. Yes, my friend had all the control and held all the cards. Yes, he had me over a barrell. But, once I made those first few deals, I was going to pay him back, open my own LLC and be my own success story.
This is an extremely sad and depressing day for me and It's back to dragging myself out of bed in the morning. It was nice to have that hope every morning for a month.
I wish it was less about upsells and more about helping the people that are already here.
God Bless everyone else that has been successful and has a peaceful mind. I am not jealous, but envious. I wish I were one of them.
PMI is great !!! to many successful students here who are succeeding. i wish he wouldn't feel that away because it's wrong Deans awesome !!!!!!! I get so upset when people start putting Dean down. He is so legit it's not even funny. dont give up. you will get through this. the only way you fail is if you quit !!! keep moving forward it will work itself out.
that is just wrong and he is going to regret not doing it.
you dont need PMI all you need is the yellow book and and it's << FREE FREE FREE >>
that is all you need and this website is also free.... these two things will get you your first and second and way more deals... you dont need PMI sorry dean but we know she can succeed with these two things...
click on case studies at the top of the page and look at all of Deans successful students
you and your friend can do this with the yellow book and this website so tell your friend to help you and yall just use the yellow book and this website. look at all the people here that you have been talking to. we will answer your questions.....
we want to help you but you can't quit get your friend to read the yellow book and yall take action.
This site is full of people trying to better themselves in one way or another and that is awesome that you took the courage to come join the best place to reach the dreams you have. We here on the DG site want to help you reach your dreams.
Read and learn, Deans books will help you.
I agree with Aaron and Walt. There are many people who have started only with this website and one of Dean's books. You are on the right path by posting on this site and by asking questions here. Just by being here and asking questions I know you are in the right place. We have great resources here. As Walt mentioned everything here is free. Dean's book "30 Days To Real Estate Cash" is available in the upper right hand corner along with his first book "Totally Fulfilled." I'm so glad you are here and asking questions. Please keep us posted on how you are doing.
Be your very best always-Judy Williamson
Change. Change is life giving. It helps you to become better than you already are. <<<< please read this
i think it'll help you to see you can do this....
i promise i feel your pain. i just wish someone would help and not criticize me but it aint a happening.. but i will succeed or i will succeed is the only choice !!!!
As unfortunate as this may be things always turn around ...... (Read my journal )
Second. I live in NYC not to far away from Long Island ..... I have many friends on the island (both in Nassau/suffolk counties)
Three I did create a Limited Liability company. And I am not only part of Insider elite but I also joined the no flip money mastery class of Matt that was just offered , I wanted to start on the island for numerous reasons but travel was a bit of an issue which I have resolved .....
If you like Karen we can partner up and start out there I have been meaning to put up bandit signs out there......
Remember yes it is up selling, but what many on the outside of our very own DG community like to know is we are a family here
And we help each other.... Even if it is things a bit confusing.......
If you want we can meet at Starbucks or at a REI club and go from there
Do not loose hope
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-
Hi Karen dont give up, now the real test is before you.Dean is for real and there are a lot of people here who have over come more than you have, and yours truely is one of them. Now is when it gets real fun, what will we do at this time, continue on or turn tail and go back to the old ways( no future there!!!!! )The test is before you and if you take that ole bull by the horns and push on you will get there if you dont tirer out!No success comes with out refinements and changes in us, everyone goes through them , we can oh poor me or why is this happening to me or a 100 other excuses but they are only delays to failure, Henry Ford didnt fall for it, Thomas Edison didnt far for it and a whole hug bunch of others didnt, now the real question what will you do???, the real test and joy lies ahead, lift your head up and grab those plow handles set your eyes on goals and dont take your eyes off them, they may have to be modified and changed at times but thats ok.When we have to work for some thing it means more to us, rise up and lets get er done, the future is bright and you will be glad you did.Road blocks will come but how we deal with them and over come them will define who we really are. There is lot of help here and lots of info to study and use, every new thing takes commitment but that is what makes us a step above the rest, you have it use it and lets get it done, much success, Jim ( success is in you, use it, its there)
Hey Karen just look at this as another great opportunity, the only way to fail is quit, now no one every got any where doing that, this is the best investment family that you will ever find, join a local REI Club, this opportunity is about relationships, solving other peoples problems and concerns, we all win when we care about others, truely care!!!!!Trust me its worth the effort and thats how we grow when do what most other people arent willing to do.It will take work and effort but it is worth all that.We must serve to reap!!!!!!!, Jim ( Walt gave you a great experience to learn and share, as well as follow and there are more people here just like that with there own experiences, enjoy!!!!!We all have a story to tell of journeys in life and how we got started to get where we are today, all successful people have them, we are here for you as you can see )
Its only up setting if you let it be, he failed to see the real value,he was not committed do not let that be you!!!!!This is to test you, keep moving forward, Jim ( his seeds were not planted in good soil and he failed to water and cultivate)
YOU CAN do Anything You WANT to do.
Schedule your time, learn and ask here, and complete the by one, and you WILL get there.
We ALL have made sacrifices and had the fears, step by step, You CAN.
Mike Free tools
see we are here for you. with Dean and all of these grreat people commenting here who can be against us....I know your upset about your friend. but you can do this and Dean is not a scam. how would he have been on tv since '99 if he was ? those people made one phone call and somebody said no or some realtor stole their dream or a famlily memeber or friend told them they couldn't do it and so they think it's a scam. YOU CAN DO THIS !!! YOU CAN HAVE ALL THE SUCCESS YOU WANT.
also in your current situation that 3200 in medical bills seems HUGE, but thats only one or two deals and that will be gone. vanished... in your past....
it really would help us to help you if we knew what state you lived in and you filled out your bio......
I wish you the best
This truly is a great site to be on, people willing to reach out and help one another no matter what.
come see what we said
Will be back in due time, we here at the DG Family are to good to let go
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-
But, it disappeared. I also cannot find it in my sent file. Very strange because it showed the message as sent.
Yes, I am very interested. Can you write mea PM and I will def respond? They show us as having no conversation at all.
Thanks do much!
I meant that you....Insidersmotes....was the one I PM'ed. Please let me know if you received it. I received a very upsetting PM with regards to my post from another member. Wish I hadn't read It.
Thanks Insider
I just saw your message I will reply shortly
Thanks Insider
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-
Thank you all so very much for taking the time to get back to me. Your terrific ideas, suggestions and for all your invigorating words. This is truly an attentive, loyal, sympathetic and abetting site....
With Prayer and action; Good things are happening!!
Thank you again and God bless!
reading the replies on this thread is heart warming.
I'm also on the fence, wanting to start working in upstate NY and Vermont from Quebec and insecure about the international procedures. It would be helpful if I could get a few buyers.
Karen. update us on how things go for you.
I am a REI in training. Already own 15 appartments in 4 and 3plexes and wish to continue expanding. Based in Southern Quebec, Canada.
I recommend that you read Dean's free book "Totally Fulfilled"; it will help you keep a positive attitude, even during rough times....
Lots of investors on this site have succeeded without coaching...
there is an enormous amount of useful information on this site; all you have to do is look up a topic in the 'search' box on the top left corner of this page; read, read, read, as many threads as you can.... awesome information!
Watch DG's Weekly Wisdom every week; this will help you stay focused and motivated for the week!
Join a rei club in your area; best way to network with other investors in your area...
Wishing you success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
i wish i had thought to suggest that. Yes Karen totally fulfilled is a great book free right here on this site. just download it to your computer..
Hello everyone,
Once again, I just want to thank everyone for their support. I can only describe what is happening to me now as a watershed moment. A wonderful, smart and supportive (I could go on and on,) reached out to me and we are now partners!! Joel came from Manhattan to Long Island (Joel knew I didn't have the money for the train. After working long hours overnight, he grabbed a few hours sleep and he came to me,) to meet with me and we spent hours in Panera...first going over everything that he has learned from Dean and Matt's classes and then we started putting a plan into place. We got started immediately and although we have hit a bump or two in the road....we both seem to rapidly recover, stay motivated and keep moving forward. Joel is doing the running around and I am in the middle of Matt's Super Wholesaling Videos that Joel ordered me to watch....LOL...I am just about finished and I cannot believe how much I have learned!! I am a little overwhelmed, but I am also 100% optimistic. The reason this past week has been a watershed moment in my life is because in the past, my ADHD has held me back. This is the very first time in my life that I can with complete confidence that Joel and I will succeed. I am telling myself and actually believing that if and when we do hit these bumps, we will overcome them and keep going. This is it for me....I will not give up...It's not an option.
I want to publicly thank Joel. He is truly a blessing in my life and has helped me to heal and strengthen.
I will keep everyone posted with regards to our progress and I will be in the forums looking for information and asking questions. I expect the very best answers from this wonderful community.
Thank you all again and God Bless!! ✞
Yes that is it you posted here karen & you see that we do care about you! Now it is up to you to take action especially when it gets hard ok. You can do this If I can being partially sighted you can too.
Joel great job btw & reaching out that is giving back awesome! Are you going to the Edge? Hope so, if so see you there.
One last thing Karen I don't know if anyone mentioned it here but this is a business with Dean's co. trying to upsell us but let me tell you that I was upsold & it was worth every penny, I think I spent 5k for the Success Acadamy & rock bottom blueprint & insider elite & besides w/I spent going to the Edge but I have recovered all the costs & made an additional 10k bc of that training.
We can only go as far as our training w/allow us. If we want to go further then we need new thinking like Eisntein said. I would consider once you have funds in the bank about getting further training bc it w/propel you to even more opportunities that you thought didn't exist ok.
God bless.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Your working it good job and Joel for the networking. It definitely is info overload at first, what I found works is to take a day off and recharge your batteries.
You can do this
I think that's part of the problem with some folks in life. Their patience wears thin, they loose confidence in everything (including you) & you end up feeling left alone. It's unfortunate when it happens, because it's happened to me. Personal problems like divorce don't help matters, either. There's one great think about the DG Family ~ They all WANT to see you succeed & be the next success story & are willing to help no matter what.
Your story is inspiring ~ Keep us updated!
Karen is way to modest she has helped me as well.....
Here's how although Karen has ADHD she is an extrovert ( a person who has no problem socializing with others and communicating )
as oppose to I who is an Introvert ( i tend to stay in the background and converse with those i know ) so right off the back they allows me to engage others because as well all know here you need to meet and greet and network network network!
its a give and take...... money like education is useless if you do not put it to work correctly.
and i was surprised Karen could withstand me being such a chatty Kathy LoL
Tony ! love hearing from you and all the other DGer's i secretly want to go to the edge but if we do not make it......
i will make sure we watch it remotely ( there is a time crunch karen and i are trying to reach which is great added motivation ! )
FYI there are two reasons why Dean upsets one competitors are blown away from everything Dean already offers all of us !
second more importantly they do not have a community ( family rather of real estate Investors like we have here )
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-
so right off the bat that allows me to engage others, because as you all know* ( third line)
( on the line that starts with FYI ) there are two reasons Dean Up Sells*
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-
so right off the bat that allows me to engage others, because as you all know* ( third line)
( on the line that starts with FYI ) there are two reasons Dean Up Sells*
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-
able to move forward. you know you can do it and we are all here to help so let's go. !!!