Tax Deed Property still has past owner living inside.

Tax Deed Property still has past owner living inside.

I'm looking at a nice tax deed property but the "owner" is still living there. A 67 year old man and possibly his 105 year old mother.
The county says they have tried many times to contact him, had neighbors try to talk to him but he is "reclusive" and unresponsive.
I've talked to a neighbor, called and knocked on door to no avail..
Would YOU buy the property at the tax sale?
After you get the deed how long would it take to have the sheriff evict him/them?
Qual-e Services LLC


tax deed property

Sounds like a good question for your attorney. That's why it is important to have your power team built right away.

NO no no

No TexasTurn you dont need an attorney .You Quale you need to go and talk to the people living in your house!Dont be mean or cocky you NEED to be nice and understanding! They might be furture renters and not the owners!Go and ask them if they are renting or buying?Then tell them you just bought the house and You are charging rent if they want to stay then they must pay you your rent or go find another place to live!It is really simple.

Tax property deed

A real effort has to made to contact the owner living in the property. The county has done nothing but send him letters. That is their idea of contact. You may want to contact an attorney for help and of course that attorney should be on your team.

As far as evicting them it really depends on your county and what they do. You should contact them to find out what restrictions they have if any. Sometimes it is a year.

Randy Bailiff


Darellf334 & Qual-e I've got a news flash for you - 6PM news "Local investor buys house for a couple hundred buck in back taxes and tosses 67 year old man and 104 year old mother out on street "
Your invester reputation will skyrocket people will be knocking your door down wanting to do deals with you. I guess you have never seen a lynching party before.
Qual-e glad you investigated it before proceeding - there is a grace period that they have to pay the taxes before you can apply for the title to the house - so watch out.

