I joined Dean's Success Academy a little while back and have had success with their coaches and great resources. I started a new sales career that will not allow me to finish the program in the alloted time but I still plan on using what I have learned and the coaching program in the next year.
I was told by PMI that I could pass a savings along to another member of Dean's Program that would like me to transfer my membership to the new student/investor. I paid over $7000 for the material and courses and was told by PMI that I could transfer to a new member and they would get the entire program as new at a great discount being that I can't utilize it the way I have been in the past. I would love to see someone get the enjoyment and knowledge I did at a much lower cost.
If anyone is interested in joining the program for $3500,it's 50% of what I joined the same program for. Basically over the phone, they would have both parties present and simply delete my information and add the new members information to the program just as if they joined directly but in this case at a lower cost. I paid with a credit card so they could simply swith the remaining balance to a new one or I could pay it off cash and transfer in your name.
Either way, I have a few folks interested but wanted to be sure I offer this opportunity to someone as motivated as I am and truly wants to take advantage of the program as I did, they are so great to work with.
Just read your post and I bought the Success Academy and access to coaches in Feb for about $3400. Didn't know you could spend more, what was the higher price for?
I also bought the SFL and still pay on both. I like so many others, ran out of unemployment and have nothing left anywhere. And mine is over half paid. I don't want to drop out, and because I stay current on all my bills, everyone was able to work with me this month, and that helps give me more time. (I just realized this post if from May 2010)
But can we take on a partner to work with and share the cost? It would mean finding someoe close by to share the training and work together. And it would sure help to have someone close to even share talking and discussing deals with.
Does anyone know if you can do that? My only main question, anyone can take on a partner and do share the training, but would they be able to make the call to the coaches? If they are sharing the last half of the payments?
I thought the monies was refunded in full after 1st 5 deals within a certain time frame - is it really that hard with a coach to accomplish this or is it really the economy? I was going to borrow the money to get started.
Anxious to start - have a huge deal in the works and need advice - not sure what to do now
Love to hear your thoughts
It is well worth the money!! I bought into the Academy in Feb. 2010. But my situation didn't allow me to do much of anything until now. Yes you did get it back after 5 deals. What area do you live in?
I left the hospital after 30yrs because one of the horses threw me was out of work for a year with a fractured pelvis. I lived check to check.
Then went back to another hospital ICU that wasn't as hard as the trauma hosp., but after 8 1/2 yrs they had to let me go because I had back surgery and more problems.
So as of 2008, my horses were gone, they were all in their 30's, and I chose in January 2010 to move off my place and in with a friend. Since then I lost one cat, and my dog of 11yrs. I live in a small room, and sold all my furniture and truck. He is a contractor. And the stress of not being able to do things in the house is huge. I can't sit for more than 20 mins at a time, without having to stand up and move. Along with 2 tragedies in the family.. This is why it took me longer.
But "everyone" on here has gone through some major turmoil, maybe some more, and some no any. But we all have to deal with it and get back asap!!
Point is, just in the past few months and buying the SFL all is finally falling into place. BEST INVESTMENT EVER!!!
But I am literally broke as of this month.
I just this past week actually started calling the coaches and got positive feed back on my contract!!! And maybe I still won't be able to assign this house, but at least I did something. And I learned a lot in this deal.
I would just like to find someone to work with. Even share the system.
The friend I am with, has been a friend for years, but the tension for me is too much, he seems to think it works fine. But I live in this little room and I am very grateful, but stress takes it toll.
So please don't be discouraged by some people needing out financially or needing more support. I have proven through all my life, I can do it, no matter what. Even took off my back brace after surgery the second day, it got in the way of cleaning barn and shovelling snow.
So go for it but USE IT!! That is the way...
Don't buy it and let it sit because no one is taking your hand and reading the book for you, or studying the lessons.
I don't consider myself savvy at all, computer or real estate, that is why I wish I had help, not for motive but for some knowledge.
Hang is there Barbara, and take a chance, or you will always wish you did.
Barbara - If you believe you need the Academy then do it. But hold yourself accountable. Does it guarantee your success? NO! Only YOU can guarantee your success. If it were that easy we'd ALL be successful. But success doesn't come without constant action. It won't come to you by doing nothing. You can buy all the training in the world, but if you don't ever apply it what's the point of taking the training?
Sandi - Sometimes we have to be outside our comfort zone to give us the nudge we need to move us into the next level. When we're in our comfort zone we're usually satisfied with our lives and surroundings that we don't strive for more. My motivation was I had to find a place for me and my children to live within 30 days. Failure was NOT an option. Living in a car, shelters or on the streets was NEVER even considered. I was taking action but had NO clue where it would lead me, but doing nothing but worrying would've been a huge mistake, because in taking action I found out I had good credit and that enabled me to buy my first property with no money down!
Scott - Good luck transferring your coaching. Hope it works out!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Glad you also stuck it out when you were down. Motivation is everything.
That is why with my fx pelvis and surgery, at age 50, I kept going, wasn't about to lose my horses or dog, or sleep in my car. My family would always say that Sandi was the, "I can do it" person. I held on to my kids and the farm we rented for years, and I did everything to keep it together. My daughter wrote me a letter one day thanking me for the strength and persistance she got from me, and our faith in the Lord.
I will make it again. And didn't quit yet. And Barbara will do great, just needs to make use of that knowledge and support.
Have a great day!
I was told through pmi that the cost would just be over 3 thousand around 3400 I believe.
Thankyou every one for your post!This site is so unbelieveable sometimes,the caring that people show is really gratifying to see.I know work it takes to get where you want pays off in the longrun,I know because I seen it on this site many times.Yes pain is a great motivator.Good luck and God bless you all.
Silverhound(WHAT BOX?)