What is MLS real estate agent site “public” option?

What is MLS real estate agent site “public” option?

Hello Fellow Members,

I just recently purchased YTP and reading the book on pg:25 and came across the Action Step that says: "MLS real estate agent site for your area that has a “public” option."

What does it mean? I am living in Oahu Hawaii and Googled the sentence and could not find good results?

I am new to this and would greatly appreciate some clarification.



I don't have the book but...

I'm thinking they mean a website where there is public access to search the MLS. Not all agent websites have MLS searches on them.

Hope that helps!


Thanks, Nadine
** Realtor/Investor in Lancaster County, PA
His Hope Enterprises LLC

Creative real estate solutions --> www.GetMeOutFromUnder.com
Traditional real estate help --> www.LancasterHomeHelp.com

Alabama we cannot do zero down under contract

I need understanding on how to go around it and profit without having to purchase a home with my own money.Can someone please give me some direction/advise on what to do? Real estate agent told me thier not going to unless I have proof of funding to purchase the house and I can not do this in the state of Alabama against the law. Some told me that I need to get real esatate license to do this. Im crying for help I got a list of tenant that need a home, but no homes to put them in it,what I need is some investors who willing to work with me help me get this housing,purchase them, also you will profit from them.

I believe Nadine is correct.

I believe Nadine is correct. We have a few agents sites in our area where you can search the MLS through their website. Go on your local real estate agents' websites and check if you can search MLS listings. Ours has "Search our listings," and "Search MLS Listings." That gives the public access to MLS. Hope that helps.

rrh137- You need to read Dean's book "Profit from Real Estate Right Now," as it has all those questions answered it. You can assign contracts without using your own money. And you can use transactional funding for proof of funds to get the property under contract. This method works if you have cash end buyers lined up. If you are looking to do the lease option strategies with tenant buyers, then you need to negotiate with the sellers directly and try to work out some owner financing, or use private money to fund your deal.



"If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31 NLT