
All About jrgnsn

jrgnsn's picture
sheila jurgensen
Long Beach Ca
About Me: 

Been investing since 1999. Currently own 5 houses. Two were damaged in a flood in Washington State. Am currently building new house with SBA funds. I manage a partnership with my siblings which has RE in it. I'm always looking for deals locally in LB CA.

Major interest is real estate, but art,reading,music, healthfood,alternative energy,sudoku,new ideas

Topics I've Participated In

Getting Started Need Some Advice frymissy2167 years 44 weeks ago
LLC Benefits FDrake4128 years 16 weeks ago
What To Post Here dgadmin179 years 43 weeks ago
Short Sales Ali30510 years 16 weeks ago
Glossary of Real Estate Terms Rina21510 years 34 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Completed College
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


hi there

alaska1971's picture

hi saw you online want to introduce myself, im mike from wasilla ak, i joined deans program in may ,glad i have just trying to get over my fears and doubts mcurrent market so forth ,i am closing on my first deal proberly first of next week a tri plex in anchorage , i just want to say hi to ya, trying to meet new friends here,

Hi from California

jrgnsn's picture

glad to hear your're getting a tri-plex. Are you going to rent it or re-sell it?

i was thinking of short term rental

alaska1971's picture

hi there , for the time being im going to rent it out the place to mine was a bank forclosure too , the people that bought that one in april has its units already rented out, i like to sell in future and use that money for another
future deal .
how is your realastate going , i didnt hardly know about bank owned props before i started reading deans book, now i like to read more on how to get a prop with no money down and finding buyers before i buy

Bank owned

jrgnsn's picture

Find a Motivated Seller with lots of equity. Offer him a way to get out of his property with a monthly income. Also read Dean's book again. I am and I keep finding answers to the questions I have.
I've been telling everyone I want to buy houses and asking them if they want to invest with me on deals. I talk about it all the time. One of my renters today told me she had a stash and she wanted to buy something as a partner! Also my cousin is trustee for a house and I have a buyers list from ads in Craigs list and the penneysaver so I'm trying to match them up and make a finder's fee. jrgnsn

Wrong title

jrgnsn's picture

Sorry about the Bank-owned title since I didn't say anything about them.........