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thaddeus lewis

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many investors that buy assigned contract

i have run across some investors who will buy all assigned contracts an you can walk away with 10% of the purchase price the deal have to be great ones also will pay for all jiont veture i have made over 100,000 in assigned contract deals and working on more that couldn land me 80k just wanted to share the news

Hi Thaddeus.

Rina's picture

Welcome to the DG family. It's good to have you here. Smiling

I had to re-read your post. Did you say that you have made $100,000 already assigning contracts? That is fabulous! And what an inspiration to others on this site looking to do the same thing!!
If you wouldn't mind sharing a little more about it, that would be awesome! You could start a new thread or just do it right here.

Thank you for sharing, and again, CONGRATS!! Smiling


Wow Thaddeus!

Elena M's picture

Great job! Would you like to share some of your deals with us, so others can learn how to do this and that it is possible? It sure would be helpful to the new investors that are trying to make some money with assignments. Maybe you could tell them how you find the deals, how much you lock them up with and how you found your buyers? Any information or knowledge your share would be greatly appreciated!
Good bless you,
Elena Laughing out loud