
All About alaskansuccessinc

alaskansuccessinc's picture
Alaska- Anchorage- Wasilla area
About Me: 

Approved ALL 50 States

> 560 Credit score minimum (all three scores) - must have three scores
> 95% LTV Financing
> 5% Downpayment (sourced and seasoned minimum 30 days)
> Mortgage Insurance applies (if LTV is over 80%)
> FULL DOC only
> 50% DTI
> 2 Years continuous employment (change in industry OK)
> 2 Active Trade Line Requirement (0 x 30)
> NO prepayment penalties
> 30-year fixed financing
> Rates start at 7.4%
> No seasoning on flip properties with OFI contracts (title holder/seller must have title 90 days minimum)
> Gift Letter same as assets (not verified or transferred)
> MI applies and is tax deductible

Owner /Occupied Only
Single Family Only – Duplex’s at 90%
Job time – continuous 2 years, change in industry OK. (Less than 2 years – case by case)
Value range – 75k to 417K (above on a case by case basis)

Collections, Liens and Judgements – not over total aggregate of 5K (if exceeds, can be paid down to qualify level)
BK and Foreclosure – 24 months minimum
Mortgage – 0 x 24
Seller closing concessions not to exceed 3% below 600 score – above 600 up to 6%

Topics I've Participated In

Seeking Florida Folks. Dan_Auito11110 years 4 weeks ago
Office building in Alaska for sale alaskansuccessinc211 years 21 weeks ago
Central Colorado Property anyone interested? jbaud23213 years 5 weeks ago
arvada colorado alaskansuccessinc113 years 5 weeks ago
buyers list alaskansuccessinc013 years 7 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Some College
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


loan info

Do you loan 100% for mobile home parks that need to be refirbished?

send me

alaskansuccessinc's picture

an executive summary please?



We are interested in buying mobile home parks or a single park. We found a small park that has 27 spaces, run down needs work, 4 tenants, 6 park owned homes, NOI of $7000. They want $385000. We are in California but we are looking in Arizona. Do you offer this type ? Donna


please contact me asap. Tx

Need property for buyer

hey Robert

Hows it going saw your listing on NY properties need to know if you have any loctions in yonkers have a buyer allready qualified please pm with anything you might have

Alaska Market

mesheltran's picture


I am a residence in Anchorage, AK. Are you still looking for properties in Anchorage? If so, please let me know what you are looking for. I will try my hardest to find you a good deal.

Welcome Gifts!

JJD's picture

Welcome Gifts!

Click on the Links in my Profile and download the attachment files within the posts.

There are some great downloadable resources here for you to use.

Don't forget to finish your profile, upload a picture, tell us some great stuff about yourself, add your location because you never know when someone may want to partner with you!
MOST OF ALL......Have Fun!

May You have Great Success on your Journey!


Bulk REOs For Sale! Only 50 Cents on the Dollar!

Hi Robert,

50% Discount on Bulk REOs! Only 50 Cents on the Dollar! CASH Investors Wanted! -- Close Quickly! -- Huge Sale!

May I take your order please? What types of properties would you like
and in what state are you interested?

Check out our Website at American Coastal Properties:

CURT WOLFF -- American Coastal Properties (Bulk REO Direct
Access Consultant)

alaskan success inc

alaskansuccessinc's picture

meshel tran
you have any luck?


what about if I want to buy and sell with in a year or year and half and one thing is that I have no cash available I'm waiting to sell a mobile home where I'm hoping to get 30k but before that I'm just struguling to keep up and tryng to get a deal done to start up.
Will be waiting for your answer
Thank you

Hello, You Asked That I Contact You, ASAP

M.A.E.'s picture

Hello Mr. Skulka,

Forgive my delayed response to your message sent to me while I was on vacation.

Here is the link to my page where you left a message for me...

So how can I help?



S Renee

Cr8d4RE's picture

Glad to know there are other Alaskans!