
All About amkandell

amkandell's picture
McDade, Texas
About Me: 

I started my REI in 2010. My husband passed away three months into the Success Academy and I had to take some time off. I am now back and ready to move forward. I have made a promise to myself that I will not let anyone or anything get in the way of my success. I am looking forward to networking with everyone I can. I hope to meet everyone here.

Architecture, bowling and chrocheting.

Topics I've Participated In

DG site INSTRUCTIONS-how to use this site reinvestor421526 years 47 weeks ago
#1 Thing You Need to KNOW reinvestor42966 years 47 weeks ago
#2 You NEED to do reinvestor42636 years 47 weeks ago
KEB'S later years keb644618 years 5 weeks ago
Comps, CASH Buyers and PML Here reinvestor42858 years 26 weeks ago

Basic Info

I am a Real Estate Investor and still working as a department manager at Walmart.
Have Child(ren)
Some Post Graduate

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


welcome aboard

keb64's picture

Welcome to the site and the family.

Hey Ms. Amanda, it's was

KEd2011's picture

Hey Ms. Amanda, it's was nice finally meeting you for the first time at the Edge! I know you're fired up and ready to roll! Lets make this your year! Blessings!

Yes! We're available

KEd2011's picture

Yes! We're available whenever you like to get together we're set something up. Let us know if you ever need anything! Best wishes to ya

Amanda were here for you

P.H.G. LLC.'s picture

Add us to your buyers and sellers list welcome to the DG family I hope this is motivation for you if not go to our motivation blog asap

We care about you and honor the chance to guide and assists you with your real estate.
God bless.

Short Sale

Nick Galvan's picture

Hi Amanda I also live in Bastrop tx. and I have a short sale for you if you are interested. Let me know.
