
All About BigDynaH

Anahiem Hills, CA
About Me: 

Well currently like many here I too seek to make some changes to my net worth. Heck to be honest how's about having a net worth for a change. To make fantastic income is great but doing so while feeling like your own by your job is hell. Barely enough to keep you clocking in, controlled by those who tell you when to sleep eat wake... I dislike the experience altogether. 100% demanded while 8% if that of any notice given over your good work. Day ends with no energy or desire for anything else day in day out. I plant vineyards I have no right to eat or drink from it seems. A Proverb I read once said; "It is better to have soup with someone you love than eat stake with someone you hate." It's an evil cycle, high income equals unsecure bosses and staff; low income nice folks, but forget any idea of savings. I'm here to learn how to plant new orchards while enjoying the journey and eat the fruit of my labor for a change.

Since the early 70 with it's prop 13 I have always been interested in Real Estate. Been to countless seminars; have shelled out a lot of money on materials like many of you have. Not going to mention any names.

Dean if you read this don't misunderstand, I saw you on TV back in September 2013; have heard folks speak well of you on this site. My reason here is to change the man I now am into a happier person in charge of my own financial destiny.

You say your material(s) are like recipes to follow. Oh boy... Now there's a challenge, you see I've been know to burn "Minute Rice". But here I am some 6 decades later willing to cast my nets on the other side after fishing all these years only to have nothing to show for my efforts. So then, which way is up?

My Interest, I'm a biker with a passion for Harley Davidsons. I've own 3 business of which 1 I've sold and lost 2 through devoice. But the day is still young. I love the feeling of accomplishment, love gardening too now aint that a kick.

Topics I've Participated In

Give me your story deangraziosi429 years 48 weeks ago
questions for buyers aaron-n-suzy5610 years 1 week ago
Bandit Sign Robber! kareng1210 years 35 weeks ago
Weekly Wisdom #258 - Roar! dgadmin6311 years 3 weeks ago
Weekly Wisdom #259 - Check Ya'Self dgadmin9811 years 14 weeks ago

Basic Info

Lab helper at a medical research they call it. Hell I clean rodent cages all day long.
Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


So call me sappy.

Today 10.8.2013 I just got my books and materials played the “STOP! WATCH ME FIRST” video twice and now reading the SPECIAL REPORT Dean Graziosi’s STUDENT SECRETS! Just started in on the reading, I’m at the part where Tony is interviewing Laura. Great stuff, that is until I got to where Tony & Laura are talking about Dean being a very generous man Tony say. Laura’s comment to this just cut me to the quick with her statement…
Laura: “I hope that when I’m successful… well, just an example, and this is just a tiny, small thing. I made $21,000+ on that house. So, did I pay off my bills right away? No. But I do have some friends that are living from paycheck to paycheck and are worse off than me? So, I sent them $1,000 with no questions asked and no expectations of return. To be able to do that was amazing to me!”
Now you see stuff like that you just can’t print because when a guy like me reads stuff like this it makes for the biggest basketball throat feeling not to mention fill my eyes with so much tears that it stops me from reading this material I’ve been waiting for a life time to get.
Dam you guys, your killing me here. The list of people that come to mind whom I know and those I don’t know but see living in cars or pushing shopping carts are endless… Thank you Laura for your heart.

Welcome Sam!

Valuni's picture

this is a great site where you will find endless resources, and amazing support from other investors who have been on the same journey that you are starting now... make sure you write down your goals where you can see them everyday; your goals will give you strength to overcome obstacles that you will encounter on your path to success...

Wishing you success on your journey,


Howdy! Hey great tip on writing out my goals! I will post them all over my refrigerator, bathroom mirror and lap top! You are so right, at work I am buzzier than a one arm paper hanger and by the time I get home it takes an act of congress just to remember my own name.

It is so easy to lose sight of what you want let alone where and how your going to get there when the muck of the day is all over you. You come home, crash then 5 minutes later it seems the alarm clock goes off again.

I'll sit to read Dean's materials and recall not one thing. So as it is my day starts at 3AM and ends at 3PM. So because I am an early bird kind of guy I decided to make lemonade from the lemons all around me... my alarm clock goes off now at 1:55AM which give me about 45 minutes of reading time before starting my day. You know what? The world is asleep at that hour I can read and comprehend more and more.

"Strength to Overcome Obstacles" now there's a goal right there worth fighting for!

Thank you Valerie!