
All About deangraziosi

deangraziosi's picture
Dean Graziosi
Phoenix, AZ
About Me: 

Since 1999, through his seminars, workshops, and television appearances, Dean Graziosi has touched the lives of countless of people all over the country. Now he has incorporated all his proven techniques for total fulfillment into a book that is both easy to read and easy to use. Using clear language and vivid examples, Dean Graziosi shows how personal, financial, professional, and relationship success cannot be separated. Rather, they are one and the same, and are actually easy to achieve.

Real Estate Investing, Writing, Education

Topics I've Participated In

Hello Everyone! Michstan1927 years 1 week ago
30 Days Quick Cash Formula michellecaseyks18758 years 46 weeks ago
Give me your story deangraziosi369 years 16 weeks ago
Who else is going to the Edge! CaliTony659 years 47 weeks ago
Give me your story deangraziosi429 years 51 weeks ago

Basic Info

Author / Real Estate Investor

Sites I Visit


Inner Circle

deangraziosi's picture

I am sure I will get lots of questions or requests to contact people here in my guestbook. I welcome all comments here, but I want to point out I will not be able to respond to everyone, so all my communication on the site will be done in the Inner Circle forum. If you have questions you would like to direct specifically to me, that is the place to do it.

For information about getting invited to be part of the Inner Circle see the post here:

I have been watching the site grow and following all of the posts since we started this new community. I have been hesitant to participate because I didn't want to create expectations that I could personally interact with the thousands of people who are members here, so the Inner Circle was created as a way to balance that.

Thank you to all the members who are making this a special place to learn, grow and taking the steps forward towards your own dreams and goals.


HI DEAN!!!!!!

Rina's picture

Thank you for everything!! I'm SOOO glad you're joining us!!

Rina (one of your biggest fans!)

Welcome Dean

Anitarny's picture

I too am gkad you joined us. I am sure you will get hit with a lot of questions but please know that for me and a lot of others on here your knowledge is invaluable.


wow,what alot of info.I am brand new to this sort of thing.I have found 2 houses for sale,rent to own.How do i approach them?

Howdy Dean

Anitarny's picture

We told you this site was

I am glad to see you online. I will actually be your way next week. Its beautiful out there.

Just saying a quick hello


Hello Dean

I just posted a questions in the open disscussion form to address my concerns on the article "Foreclosre Scams" posted on Forbed Magazine on May 23rd 2008. My concern is i just have set up my website through your AFF System, and the heading which is focusing mainly on foreclosure. My main concern is, how would the public percieve my website? Would they look at it as another scam site? or How such an article as posted on Forbes could have a negative influence about foreclosure? Any feed back from you would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and real estate strateties with us, Lloydsap.

Hi Dean

I want to thank you, too. I join each teleclass that I can. s/w one of your coaching administrators. i don't qualify for coaching. I already have 15 - 16 hr days. another business. as well being mom to a full house. I've been hiring help so that I can make time for coaching.

May every area of your life experience wellness,


just begainning

Thanks for everything you have to offer. My question as I seem i know the answer should I wiat to get the book read this first and then proceed with the 800 line andd all the other steps you advised us to do?

Very anxious to get strart and do well.
Thanks again
Renee D'agostino

Looking Forward To A Meet

Jan Malek's picture

Hi Dean, Jan Malek here. I start your coaching program this Wednesday 6/4/08,and I am very excited about getting started. I do have an offer for you though. After I complete my fifth deal, I have an offer for you. How long has it been since you had homeade sauce and macaroni? My wife Terese and I would like to have a Sunday macaroni dinner with you if you have the time and are close to the upstate New York area. I will even kick in a bottle of chianti if you would like. Anyway, I am so excited to be a part of this great thing that you are doing for people. Hope to see you and talk to you soon. Jan

Much needed help.

Hi Dean my name is Edwin Dowling and I really need help. All of my bills is over do including my rent.I don't even have a phone. We have a 8 month old daugther. I tried doing the steps in your quick startup guide. But no success yet., I am some stressed out that I don't know what to do next. Can you please help.

Hi Edwin,

Elena M's picture

Welcome to the site. What have you done so far? Maybe I can help give you some steps in the right direction. I know Dean checks the posts, but I don't think with his hectic schedule that he's able to answer them all. So myself or any other one of the awesome members here would be happy to help you on your journey. I feel your urgency, so don't lose hope or let stress overcome you. Circumstances can change in the blink of an eye if you keep the faith!
Elena Laughing out loud


I drove around looking from some rundown homes. The ones I found, took down information and pasted it to some realtors but no hope yet. I just been driving using up a lot of gas but I don't mine that if I could get a house myself. And have money to fix it up to make money for me and my family. So we can get enough to get in our dream home. How do I get the bank to give me a loan to buy a house and enough to fix it up. All I keep hearing is how people getting a home without any of there own money. My email is

Good Morning Dean

Anitarny's picture

nice to see you back. Its been kind of busy around here but thats always a good thing.

Hi Dean!

Elena M's picture

Thanks for popping in, we know how busy you are and truly appreciate that you take the time to motivate and support us!


Elena M's picture

Your message today really hit home, thank you so much for sharing it!

did not know you were here...:)

aloha dean,

making a deal next week...just walking on water here.....having alot of fun with some of the members sending me ideas and infomation....this is a great resource....wish me luck....i feel the love...Nick

Inner Circle Gifts

cactusbob's picture

Hi, Dean,

Thank you for the very useful gift pack. I appreciate your interest and efforts in getting everyone moving forward, and the reports of successes are good signs. I'll offer my contributions where appropriate. The purpose of my getting your book was to learn some new concepts for taking advantage of the current market declines, and I am pleased with what I found, not to mention this web site. Excellent idea.




Hello Dean

I am 17 years old going on 18, and i saw a house that can be a good investment but i don't have any money or credit. and i was wondering can i get your advice since you said you started at real estate at my age.

Be a real estate millionaire was a great book.



Hi Dean, Could you please help

ast night, I sent over a great deal to a broker/investor who knows of many investors looking to buy. The home is bank owned REO located in a very upscale and rich area. It is listed at $300,000 and it has an estimated market value of $1,159,000 and it is 4,370 sq. ft. I sent over the info to the broker and I purposely left out the address so that he wouldn't be able to go around me. He just sent me an email saying he needs the address. Now, acting as a Bird-dogger charging a finder's fee, what steps do I take and tell him so that I make sure to get my money should he decide to go through on the deal. I have the possibility of making over $9,000 on this deal and I don't want to get screwed over. Please Help !!!

Bossman, Looks like a great deal!

Hi bossman.. I'm a new member to this site. I am realtor in Houston tx. Was wondering how this deal came out for you? Was this your first deal?

Thank You! so much Dean

GBU Ventures HQ's picture

God Bless You Dean and Happy holidays

~Gerard Doret~

Thanks Dean!

B.C.'s picture

I bought your think a little different course about a yr ago. I was up late one night stressed out on thinking how am i going to pay the bills,mortgage and everthing else at the end of the month.It was like you were talking about me in the commercial.I also am from NY. reading your books was actually so inspiring. Your personality and enthusiasm came out thru each page i read. Just wanted to thank you personally for opening my eyes to REI. The only way to fail is to not take action.p.s. I plan on being on your show so all the nei sayers i spoke to can see me and my success.

Thanks for opening my eyes

B.C.'s picture

Thanks for opening my eyes to REI Dean. I was hoping to come to Arizona but just can't swing it .Put MY ONLY valuable asset up for sale to make it but it hasn't sold. I will make a success story soon. I promise.
Richie. NY.

Lease Options

JennyInMalibu's picture

Hi Dean! How's your new baby and everything?

I've got a Q for you: when putting together lease/option deals, and I've found a property where the owner will go for a lease option, do I have to put the downpayment down or is there a way to get my end renter to do it?

I've found some owners will who do lease options, but I don't want to have to put the nonrefundable money down. Got any tips?
Thanks! Jenny

Searching For Properties

You may not get a chance to read it but I will send it anyway. I did join the Academy and it has been very helpful. My associate and I went out yesterday 2/14/09 to look at 10 properties and boy was it exciting. Well she works at city hall in her county for the tax lien department. That is a plus for me because we can find information on the properties we want to buy. We took pictures and got flyers, talked to some people in the neighborhood. You were right people do come up to you and were asking us if were were interested in buying and then they became to talk about how long its been vacant, how the neighborhood is and so on. It was a great experience. Anyway now we have to do our due diligence. I have a real estate agent who can pull up all the information we need on the properties. People come to my associate's office letting her know that they want to sell their home due to a sense of urgency. I am excited and can't wait until we do our first deal. Thank you for this website and those family members that are willing to share. Now I need to buy your latest book and can't wait to see what new information you have in it for us. Take care and God bless.

Hi Dean

I realy enjoyed your TV progam last Sunday but did not copy a phone number down and was not able to make contact untill today when i saw you again on tv this am. maby your site should have a phone number on it where it would be easy for people like me to find just a though.
thanks again David Ham

Hey Dean

GBU Ventures HQ's picture

Hey Dean God Bless you

Hey Dean can you help me

GBU Ventures HQ's picture

My Name is Gerard, and I would like to know how to determine what market is all the local, regional and national factors in?

Also, are there websites to go to, that can help determine the Markets cycles?

Gerald Romine

Hi Dean! Do you know Geral Romine? His staff have been sending me info about his new system called "The Ultimate Real Estate Investing System 2.0" I thought of you if know about him since he's from Phoenix. I have no plans of getting his system as i've already enrolled in the "Gain The Edge 09" but i was just curious about him, thanks, Lloyd

Hello dean,,

I have your old book ,,and am ordering your new one today ,,I see that you are on now and I thank you for giving me the tools to make my life better and I hope some day we can talk ,,I hope you are having a good day take it easy,,,

Hey Dean

Just wanted to let you know I love your website. Its great to be around people who are encouraging. I'm really excited cause I just got started putting offers in on homes. The one thing that is so great about this business is the sky is the limit.


B.C.'s picture

thanks for opening the door to a world of oportunity.
I hope to change someone elses life for the better when i succeed.

Wealth, is having the ability to give and change a life.

Thanks for everything, Dean!

FFJ Properties's picture

Good to see you online! What a blessing you have created for us all!


Hi Dean!

5H Enterprises's picture

Hi Dean! Congratulations on the new baby! We have 3 little ones ourself and they are such a joy! We just wanted to send you a quick message to thank you for the opportunity you have given us. You are such an inspiration to all of us! We look forward to being your next Send Me Away winners! We are working hard, using your techniques. We joined the Success Academy 2 months ago and have placed our first 2 offers this last week. Thanks again!! Laughing out loud

hoping for success


hoping for success

i just started reading your book itis very inspiring. ihope i can do as well as you and some of the others thanks a lot. may god bless you.

hi Dean

Anitarny's picture

Its nice to see you peeking in again. I have missed you as of late. Hope all is well and I look forward to seeing you next month.

Someday Soon!!!

Hey Dean, great to see you joining us on this forum. Great sources of inspiration to us all. Congratulation on your success in your REI and wish many more will come your way. I make sure in our gym I have you up on one of our monitor early morning and hope someone will call you and buy the new book.

Thank You and Thank You.


Hey Dean!

tennball81's picture

Hey Dean! Glad to see you online! I know its hard to find time in your busy schedule! I loved the new book! Couldn't put it down! Thanks for all the inspiration!

Your next Millionaire,
ALCO Properties


Thanks Dean for your inspiration in making a difference in so many life's. I appreciate your enthusiasm. Also I was really impressed when you came to speak to such a small crowd early in March in Salt Lake City. That meant a lot. I can't wait to achieve my dreams!

Tonight's Live Call

aerialist's picture

Hello Dean,
I saw that you were online at the moment so thought I'd take a second to say thank you for the live call you had this evening. One of the (many)things I appreciate about you and this site is how much information and motiviation you (and others) provide without shoving a product or seminar at us. You certainly have those things if we are ready to take that step and you subtly remind us they are there on occasion which is good, but as far as I have seen since I've been visiting the site it's not about always "selling" something to us as it is with others in this business.

I receive emails from another well known real estate expert and about 6 years ago I spent a lot of money on a weekend seminar. It was good, but ever since then everything seems to be about selling more to me. I was on one call not long ago that sounded interesting but it was actually an hour long call to have everyone purchase a $3,000 software program.

So again I say thank you. I am thrilled that I saw your infomercial one day in February as I was in a hotel getting ready to attend a trade show. I ordered your books and have been visiting the site ever since. You do a really good thing here.

All the best,
Nancy D.

great call tonight !!

Jay Sthilaire's picture

thank you dean for tonights wealth of knowledge i and iam sure everyone here on site will start using this info asap . it is great to learnfrom someone who has DONE IT !!ALSO THANKS TO JEFF GREAT JOB !!YOU HAVE AN EXCELLENT STAFF !!


RevCampbell's picture

I thought I saw a link somewhere to get a website to use in the marketing taught in Profit now. I was trying to figure out how to do that. I would do the phone thing too, but I have no job and only SS to pay for my living expenses. I want to do lease options so I need to get those lists started.

Thanks/ Amazing !

MyDestiny's picture

Thank you Dean for having Jeff point us in the right direction! You sometimes become overload with info that you don't know how to start. It only takes a second to get put back on the right track. Thank you for being there for us. I'm looking forward to making it happen this week. Continued Success Always..........Lubertha

"The Blitzkrieg" Dean's 6/18/09 Bombing Brigade

Well, I just got blown out of the water by Dean and his coach Jeff Jensen on this Thursday night conference call! The info was great on the several subjects that they discussed,and it gave me a whole new set of goals to work on the next several weeks.Building my "Buyer's List" will be a true priority because knowing what any buyer is looking for is the true key to selling and that's what we're here for!When you can find a great deal on a home,and you already have your list of potential buyers,it makes it so much easier to get that sale and your piece of the financial pie... Thx Dean for another great tip!!

Conference call

Regina's picture

Thank you that for caring enough to give us real information that can assist us today. I am a DG student for life!


thebossspringsteenfan's picture

Awesome call tonight, I am a huge fan of yours and thanks to you I am about to own my 1st property, a 4unit money maker!! and I am only 18 years old!!!!!!! Hope to meet you one day and show you much of my success.

Jeremy Zelkowitz

Hey Dean !!

Thanks Dean and you are the greatest !!
We will keep on following you.

Warm regards,

Paul T. La Moy