
All About bmorgan16

Brandon Morgan

Topics I've Participated In

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #217 - Seeking Investor Area Managers dgadmin157810 years 28 weeks ago
Hard money lender needed. bmorgan161111 years 8 weeks ago
My first potential wholesale deal! bmorgan16512 years 5 weeks ago
Investor-friendly title company bmorgan16012 years 10 weeks ago
New Investor bmorgan161212 years 13 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One




Title Company

I'm also looking for an invester freindly title compnay in Pittsburgh. Lots of good deals there. If you find one, please post.

Birddoging Offering

I am a birddoging base in Chicago. But I look for briddoging offers. All over the United States. In your ad you say, you are looking for the Pittsburgh, PA. area. Which have a lot of good wholesale deals. Please contact me on terms and fees you are offering on finding deals in this aera. And maybe other part of the United Stases.