Joined: 2011-06-11
Points: 39

pensacola florida
About Me:
Lord first,Hi everybody, well I'm a father of six, married, i live in Pensacola Fla. I'm a very laid back guy well, Let me rephrase that, I use to be a laid back guy until i got Dean's books. Let me tell everybody, "I have never in my whole entire life sat down and red any book or books like that,like those or anything,N E V E R,never". What a reality check! I look at life in a new perspective. thank GOD and thank you Dean Graziosi. You are highly favored!
striving to be a better child of GOD and like going to the gym and being a parent
new member
Hi just finished reading Dean's PROFIT FROM REAL ESTATE RIGHT NOW! aND be a real estate millionaire books. Really learned a lot about Real Estate, now i'm highly motivated in taking this head on but i have a question, while being laid off in February this year, do i still qualify to become a REI? my credit score is 680,just don't have a job right now