See pic on the attachments! (sorry uncropped and no makeup, straight from my camera!) I am STOKED!
Almost 4 months have passed since I initially wrote my essay; then I had to fill out some more details on my deals, and THEN I had to do a video. But, it was WELL worth the wait. TODAY I got my FULL success academy refund! Where can you get this folks? NOWHERE! Dean is the real deal; the SA is the real deal.
I am so happy to have had the wonderful training PMI has and access to all the coaches (who heard from me A LOT!!!!)
So, if you are an academy student, and you AREN'T calling the coaches several times a week, why not? Its what you paid for! And its INVALUABLE!
Thank you DEAN, COACHES, PMI, and success academy!!!
I would HIGHLY recommend the success academy to anyone who is not only serious about getting a head start in real estate investing, but also has DRIVE, DETERMINATION, a NEVER GIVE UP attitude, PERSISTENCE, and can handle the many ups and downs of REI! It is NOT easy, but with all those ingredients added with the valuable information from the success academy, YOU can do it too!!!!
on following up and following through. Refunds are given to those willing to succeed. Best wishes. Keep up the good work. I have followed some of your post.
To get something you've NEVER HAD
DO something you've NEVER DONE.
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!! CONGRATULATIONS on all your hard work and DETERMINATION..... dont forget to join the s.a refund club !!!! way to go
Click Here For homepage
need to sell ?
Need me to FINANCE a home ?
I am signed up with the SA, but NEED to step it up. Time flies!!!!
How long did it take the State to approve your business name?
Wishing you continued success!!
No matter where you are or how difficult things appear to you, you are ALWAYS being moved toward magnificence. Always.
Thats great, CONGRATS!!
Hilda, in CA we can search online to make sure the name is available. Don't let starting an LLC or S Corp keep you from taking action. That is NOT required to do REI! Its a nice safeguard, but don't stop to wait for it.
Just wanted to congradulations on ur sweet success & for never giving up hope. Persistance=Preserverance I think that is correct.
Great Job done & wish u all the best
That is wonderful. And you look beautiful and very happy in your picture. Your hard work is so obvious in your journal and posts. I look forward to reading many more posts and deals. Again congrats,
Congrats Tammy!
~Act successful! And you'll draw it to you.~
~Every achievement, big or small, begins in your mind. It starts as a thought.~
Hey Judi and Lenee, I will be calling this week sometime.
Tyeisha, right on; NEVER giving up is crucial. There have MANY obstacles I have and am STILL overcoming.
great job Tammy we are proud of you. Keep up the good work.
God Bless you and your family.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
I knew you would do it! you worked so hard to accomplish reaching your five deal goal, so it is well deserved!
Wishing you continued success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
Congrats Tammy!
Check out my journal:
My free website from Dean:
The Sky's the Limit!
That's great! Congratulations! We hope to be there next year!
How does that work...the refund? Is there a thread for me to read? Congrats Tammy, yeah, yippy yah ho...go get em girl
go Tammy. Keep gong with your deals and keep sharing!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Tammy
Congrats! We are on our way also...can't wait!
Mac and Bonnie
Way to go, Tammy ~ Congrats!
Keep up the good work.
I am so happy to have had the wonderful training PMI has and access to all the coaches (who heard from me A LOT!!!!)
So, if you are an academy student, and you AREN'T calling the coaches several times a week, why not? Its what you paid for! And its INVALUABLE!
Thank you DEAN, COACHES, PMI, and success academy!!!
I would HIGHLY recommend the success academy to anyone who is not only serious about getting a head start in real estate investing, but also has DRIVE, DETERMINATION, a NEVER GIVE UP attitude, PERSISTENCE, and can handle the many ups and downs of REI! It is NOT easy, but with all those ingredients added with the valuable information from the success academy, YOU can do it too!!!!
Tammy - proud of you sister! Doing the deals and wading through the requirements to the REFUND! Ya baby...
Blessings & Favor,
Follow my Blog:
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13
Psalm 1:1-3
An accomplishment well deserved!
Huge congratulations to you... and a thank you for all your posts.
May the blessings continue to flow to you and all DGers!!!
Jill Holden | San Diego
Investor Services
Team Development
Words are so beyond me right now and a simple congratualtions for me is not enough and doesn't do it justice, lol. But seriously....YOU ARE SO AWESOME Tammy, and you definitely deserve this great victory and blessing for all your hard work! All of the success stories I've read have been just awesome, but this one is truly special and gives me all the more reason and motivation to push myself even harder to make my 1st deal happen! I'm currently working on a Bird Dogging deal and it's only a matter of time before one of my leads is closed on by my partner and I collect my finders fee....and finally get my butt in the SA!!
lol Anyways, again congrats BIG TIME on such a wonderful achievement my SoCal buddy and sister in Christ! I hope one day we can meet each other, which would truly be an honor for me, and possibly do some amazing deals together in the future. Wishing you continued success and blessings along the way. Much love!
"You are who you are without a doubt...And what you put in is what you see out."
Thanks Steve and Veronica, Valerie, Kathy, Cheryl, CB, Patricia, Craig, Mac and Bonnie, and Dallas!
Valerie, you're NEXT! 4 more deals to go right? Or is it down to 2 yet?
CB, when you join the success academy, Dean and PMI give you a 5 deal money back guarantee. Its REAL
Gena, yeah all the paperwork and requirements to GET the refund are like doing another deal in of itself isn't it?
Jill, I am hoping there are a lot of helpful posts I've left behind in my journey. One of the best way for me to retain things long term is to write it down more than once. So, if I've learned something, or experienced something, I have posted it here somewhere. You are welcome.
Congrats Tammy...your hard work paid off!
... Verses: 35 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 ...
Congrats.. I hope to be the like you soon Tammy.
"Victory belongs to the most persevering."
Napoleon Bonaparte
Philippians 3:14
"The best is yet to come."
"Never let someones opinion become your reality"
It just shows that if you follow the road and the SA you can do it!!!
Mike Free tools
Congrats Tammy, more money in the bank. Lovely photo, if that's the way you look without makeup, you do not need it. Well done.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Chris, I'm in the club now!
Josh, hope to see you post about your refund in the future!
Mike the SA is phenomenal, the coaches are phenomenal!
Sandra, yes, this was a nice reward. Now my hubby can't say ANYTHING or give me a hard time about THAT anymore!
The photo was taken before I jumped in the shower for the day and had just finished breakfast w/o brushing. Bahahhahaha! I didn't want to wait to get all the makeup on and everything.
(Doesn't happen too often with 4 kids
) Thanks for the compliments though! Our God given talents sure can bring us far in life if we apply them!
What club are you in???
Josh, hope to see you post about your refund in the future!
Mike the SA is phenomenal, the coaches are phenomenal!
Sandra, yes, this was a nice reward. Now my hubby can't say ANYTHING or give me a hard time about THAT anymore!
The photo was taken before I jumped in the shower for the day and had just finished breakfast w/o brushing. Bahahhahaha! I didn't want to wait to get all the makeup on and everything.
(Doesn't happen too often with 4 kids
) Thanks for the compliments though! Our God given talents sure can bring us far in life if we apply them!
... Verses: 35 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 ...