
All About cheydam

Irvine ca
About Me: 

eighteen years ago my brother Mark (then 34) was brutally beaten by a gang. His head injuries were so sever that doctor's gave me little hope. They told me to "pull the plug" that if Mark survived he would be a vegetable. The insurance companies would only pay for a nursing home. So I quit my job and took him home,feeding tube and diapers. I knew nothing about physical therapy but I learned.
Today Mark has improved so much that the insurance companies are now paying for physical therapy, something unheard of for a head injury. Sadly, a few months ago our mom passed away leaving Mark some money,however the executor of the trust dose not feel I am intelligent enough to manage his money .He dose feel that I am able to care for Mark in my 2 bedroom apartment with my 2 kids but not smart enough to manage his money. Eighteen years ago I knew nothing about physical therapy but I had a goal and I learned enough to accomplish the impossible. Today I know nothing about real estate but I have a goal and now I have the resources to gather the knowledge to be successful!

Topics I've Participated In

Basic Info

caregiver to my brother,mom to my kids
Have Child(ren)
Completed Post Graduate
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


sooooo excited

Just joined the Success Academy!

my 8 year olds advice

On debating to spend the money on the summit.
My 8 year old (who has listen to all my success academy tapes) tells me “Spend the money you’ll learn something and you’ll come back with knowledge you can make your money back and more.” Good advice

mass opertunity

I everyone I have come across an opportunity to purchase multiple homes in an area that will soon be receiving 1200-3000
new residents all who will need homes. I am looking for an investment partner who will do assignments “birddog” deals with me. This area is assignment friendly state.
If you are interested, please let me know
Tawny Terborg DG student and CEO. Pink Little Houses LLC

$100,000. and counting

Just wanted to let you all know I'm on my 10th assignment deal and counting.
Deans lessons and the success academy
showed my how to think outside the box,grab opportunity,and go for it.
I saw an opportunity in Waynesboro Ga. that no one had grab so I did! If I can do it anyone can