
All About djmss

dj moser

Topics I've Participated In

How To Save 90% on Title Insurance Anitarny3910 years 42 weeks ago
Real estate only for the rich? Comments [rehab/flip] djmss1613 years 2 weeks ago
Refiniace a rehab home? djmss513 years 8 weeks ago
Are assignments legal in Illinois? djmss114 years 40 weeks ago
Question on Bank Loan db_champ24315 years 1 week ago

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Mainly Just This One



who do I contact about zoning a property?

dj moser,

Indiana-Joe's picture

Contact your local city or county and they can informa you of the best contact for zoning. There is usually a Board of Zoning. The building departemnt of a city can also inform you whom to contact.

Also, welcome to the DG website. The wesbite is packed with great information and inspiration. Remembe to be confident and stay positive, carpe diem. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe

Investing only for the rich? Comments?

I called a friend and asked if he would be interested in being a third person partner for a rehab flip. He told me real estate investing now is only for people who have money [rich] not the middle class. I was hoping someone could comment on this.

Is assigning contracts legal in Illinois?

Is assigning contracts legal in Illinois?