Joined: 2010-09-30
Points: 45

taronn white
About Me:
Hi my name is TaRonn White im 21 years old, and im really new to the realestate game.i have a vision of seeking the american dream in finding it, not only making money but helping others,giving people oppertunity and i would like me achiving my sucsess help others understand that if i could do it anyone can,.
i have a twin brother name tarodd in we both stayed with our mother until we were old enuf to move out , my brother presude college, in me myself i had 3 attemps in diffrent states other then my own,in which ended badly with me being stranded without a ride just a wish in the drive for education.
so now im kinda skeptical about a dead in carreer i want possibilitys and bussiness.
Just stopped into say welcome to the site.