Joined: 2012-04-22
Points: 31

I live in Hephzibah, Ga. that's about ten miles form downtown Augusta Gerogia.
About Me:
My name is johnnie and I am a retired Army veteran of 21 years. I have owned several businesses(meatprocessing, deerhide tanning and home repair)but real estate is where my love has always been. I tried several other real estate courses but found Dean methods to be what I need to succeed. After suffering and accident to my hand with a table saw, I deciided to do reale state full time. The best thing I've ever done.
I love riding my motorcycle for chairity and relaxing.
new to website
I have a ton of questions but I know I'm in the company to get answers. I'v completed several of Dean siminars and trainig forums, including boots on the ground. Ihave two deals on the table ( a short sale and estate sale).