Joined: 2011-05-03
Points: 318

Ben Hitson
Central Oregon
About Me:
I am a Sheetrocker/Metal Stud Framer From Redmond Oregon. I started hanging sheetrock part time on weekends and summers at 14 and dropped out of high school to work full time at 16. I came up in the real estate boom and I loved my job. Going from house to house working by the piece and making good money (relatively). Right around the time the recession hit in 2007 I met my wife and have since have had two kids with another on the way. When construction slowed down I was forced to get work by the hour on commercial buildings hopping from conpany to company and I hate the rigid 9 to 5 lifestyle. I picked up Dean's books at a local thrift store and now I know what I want to do and how to do it.
I enjoy building and creating things such as woodworking. I also love to race cars, ride my longboard and anything athletic
Hi Ben
just stopping by to sign your guestbook, and to wish you success in your rei journey.
congratulations on finding out what you want to do and doing something about it!