57 year old Union Electrician that due to the economy has only worked union jobs for 6 weeks since initial lay off in Oct. 08. Took the only job I could find when unemployment ran out at a local hardware store for $10 an hour. Lost that in mid august due to downsizing. Back on unemployment and tired of dipping into retirement accounts to make ends meet. Saw Dean's infomercial last month. Registered for 1 day seminar. Maxed out a credit card to pay for 3 day workshop. Maxed out 3 more cards for mentor program, more material/dvd's and proptrend interactive software, (which is totally awesome). Mentor coming 1st week in January. Thank God my credit score is low 700's. Bottom line--I'm broke. Therefore I am left with no choice but too make this work and I'm rare'n to go.
What the mind of man can conceive and believe-The mind of man can achieve!!
Starving man let lose at an all you can eat buffet
That's how I feel since the 3 day workshop last weekend. Never thought being unemployed was an advantage. I have all day, everyday to ravenously consume the material, watch the videos and prepare for my mentors arrival the first week of January.Is anyone on here that actually closed a deal and got paid during their 3 day mentor visit?