Joined: 2011-12-28
Points: 64

Boynton Beach, FL
About Me:
Well.. I been in the Business of Building Maintenance for around 6 years, working to learn on the job training, from Painting , Drywall repair, electrical, plumbing,to a mr fix it sort of guy.. anyway.. was in a auto accident hit from behind I suffered a rotater cuff tear in which I was placed on workers comp. than my job cut my hrs, mileage,than i paid for health care now and was compensated.. so I looked for other work, gave notice when i had another job, it didnt work out .. now its been 1.5 years been out of work.
I joined this site to grow and move on to learn to be a Real Estate Investor..
No job, no money, keep it positive, to grow !
I thank you for the little things you do dean.. I don't need to be motivated for i am already.. the hardest obsticle im facing is having no money.. being on workers comp sucks..27 months now and in a couple months will be the settlement, than I can start this RE Biz..Yes everyone this is not easy for it is new.. i get that.. but living in pain everyday is what i have to deal with right now? I don't regret what happen,we all have to keep it simple.. work on what we don't know re read your thought process to get better and don't ever give up.. I promise to you I find this a challenge, what keeps me motivated is to help someone that is asking.. fill in there needs, you fill in your needs what we have is a win win for both of us..were all happy .. Plus freedom to choose who we want to help? Yeah we need money to live, that's what mine is.. for now, after that it's up to you so I challenge you? what inspires you to keep going?