
All About lbxhtk9r

Lisa B.
Oceanside, CA
About Me: 

I am new to the community.....I was at a seminar this past weekend in Palm Springs, CA and was introduced to the teachings of Dean.....WOW!!!!!!!!
I am an unemployed Sr Mortgage Underwriter....I know how to package a loan but investing is a new game for me. I am very anxious to absorb all this info....I have a few favorite areas but the Probates are very itriguing to me. I still have more CD's to go thru....
Just want to say Hi to all and to let you know I am VERY excited on this new opportunity/door that has opened for me. Dean....Thank YOU for allowing this to happen for me.....very excited and ready to take off. May need assistance and guidence from my new community.....I will be in touch...Lisa B.

Downhill snow skiing and racing. Relaxing by a pool or on a beach. Going to the gym. Junk food junkie (Taco Bell)

Basic Info

unemployed Sr Mtg Underwriter now full time Investor
No Children
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


HI All

I am new to the community.....I was at a seminar this past weekend in Palm Springs, CA and was introduced to the teachings of Dean.....WOW!!!!!!!!
I am an unemployed Sr Mortgage Underwriter....I know how to package a loan but investing is a new game for me. I am very anxious to absorb all this info....I have a few favorite areas but the Probates are very itriguing to me. I still have more CD's to go thru....
Just want to say Hi to all and to let you know I am VERY excited on this new opportunity/door that has opened for me. Dean....Thank YOU for allowing this to happen for me.....very excited and ready to take off. May need assistance and guidence from my new community.....I will be in touch...LB

San Diego Investors Group (North County)

Lets pool our resources and be the next group of millionaires!!!!

Have approved SS in FL need $$$$

Hi All,

I have been approved by the Bank for a short sale.....I cannot get finanacing due to HOA reserves are too low and too many renters in the community.
I am trying to purchase for my retirement home ....need $150K quickly as Bank is ready to pull the deal...
Any suggestions? Lisa B.


rob clay's picture

refer to my profile please,i didn't realize when i posted it that it didn't come to you.keep moving forward,rob

Just Joining the group..

alexbee's picture

I'm also new to the DG Family.
Any suggestions to jump start the business??


contact me

i need some one to contact me so we can do some net working in the valley thank you

Success Academy Info.

alexbee's picture

I'm also new with the DG community.
Do you have any experience about Success Academy?
Is there any LOCAL group here in San Diego that Icould check out and see if it's worth the effort!
Mahalo - Alex


I am a investor in Palm Springs California. I mainly invest in Short sales. I would love to talk email me if interested. Have a great week.Yher27

Welcome Lisa

sistreat's picture

I wanted to stop by and wish you well with your persuit of real estate investing. I know you will enjoy networking with everyone here on hey board and readig all the great infomation stored on the forum. We are all like one big family here and we all help each other. If you have question please don't hesitate to ask. We all ask lots of questions of each other. I look foward to hearing about your first RE deal.


1st deal went south, now undercontract in FL for SFR REO having difficulties getting private money...need $85K to close on 8/18/10....any words of wisdom???


Under contract for SFR in FL....looking for $85K to close on 8/18/10....any words of wisdom...


sistreat's picture

People usually don't read these areas too much...if you can post on the main board there is a lot better chance of getting something done. Smiling Good luck.

Bakersfield Opportunities

Just found this DG site/forums. Looking for ideas/people in the Bakersfield area to learn from and discuss ideas with. I see you are in Oceanside, why does your post appear in the Bako. investor area? I am slightly confused. Any quidance appreciated, thanks, Jeff

in San Diego North County also

Hi Lisa B, I'm glad you're in the DG Family, especially here in North County. Let's definately work together. Reply back so I can share with you what I have been doing.


Looking for group in Bakersfield

I saw you had a group which included the title Bakersfield CA Investor Group. Just wondering if you are still in the area. Please let me know, I a'm really interested in working with someone locally.


Is this an active club?

Attended resent workshop also

I am located in Encinitas and also would like to meet other like minded people with whom I can network and work together to help each other accomplish our Real Estate goals. Would like to know when and where we can meet as a group and get to know each other.


Kern Investments Group

Kern Investments group meets 1 Weds of evry month. This is a great place to meet like minded people to get together and network. Email me if you would like more info.

Interested in a local group

Interested in a local group " in" Bakersfield, CA. The listing said Bakersfield, but now that I' m in here, these people are from everywhere other than Bakersfield.