
All About LonestarGumby

LonestarGumby's picture
Walter Forsyth
Houston, Tx
About Me: 

I have been a student of RE for some time now, but it seems that just as I was ready to take action over the years, something always came along and knocked me off of my game. Whether that was the passing of both parents in a six month time span or getting laid-off due to obmama-nomics in 2009; something always seemed to force me to push the reset button just as I was ready and taking action.

So I have read a lot, attended seminars and workshops, and even met DG at his first EDGE event in 2009 (hey, where is my little blue building??). Got him to sign my copy of "Profit from Real Estate Right Now" and even Dean was impressed with my numerous color-coded flags highlighting the important lessons in his book (he made a point of showing it to his wife who was also there).

Well coach, I am (sick and) tired of just riding the pine (bench); put me in coach. I may not get a hit or even on base my first few times at bat, but at least I can now say with confidence that I AM IN THE GAME!

RE Investing; Just Do it!

my charities, Catechist Teacher, family, golf, fishing, cycling and my love for all things Real Estate

Topics I've Participated In

Investor Profile Form reinvestor42447 years 12 weeks ago
Assigning question benbeka4428 years 2 weeks ago
LLC Benefits FDrake4128 years 16 weeks ago
Comps, CASH Buyers and PML Here reinvestor42858 years 36 weeks ago
Is the "Free Website" provided by Dean really Free? tanannis439 years 12 weeks ago

Basic Info

Insurance Agent by profession; RE Investor by choice
Completed College


Hi Walter

Valuni's picture

I read your post about re-joining the DG family here-congrats! You may want to fill out some info on your profile so that other investors here may know a little about you and can also network with you.

Wishing you success on your rei journey,


LonestarGumby's picture

Good advice about completing my Profile information.....I will get to it, but I cannot let it slow me down on moving forward with investing! Eye-wink

Hi Walter

Valuni's picture

you're back! great to see you and read your posts and your profile!... didn't know you were in San Antonio and Houston; I used to live in Austin. So, how are things going with your rei?
Looking forward to hearing about your progress!


Thanks you for that Encouragement, I really need that. May I ask for your advice on real estate issues when time arrives?



Rando1's picture

Hey Lonestargumby, have you dont any deals? Whats the game plan? Lets make some MONEY Rando