Hi guys! I am a newbiee to real estate and I've just sign up for a Free Website. I thought it's free, but after I signed up it told me to read the Terms & Conditions...I didn't finish it coz it's mad long, and one sentence saids they will charge me a one time fee, then membership fee every month etc...but it doesn't say how much the fee is.. I am confused now.
Is it free? Are they gonna charge me $$ monthly? Can someone answer me? Please HELP!!!!
Annis ^.^
If you want to fly with Eagles, do not hang out with Turkeys!
I just posted the same question, but i don't know where it went cause it didn't show up.. I'd like to know also if its really Free like Dean indicates in his book.
Yes, I love the free website...it is great!! I just set mine up the other day. And it is truly FREE. Wow, is Dean great or what? Free hosting and everything!
I agree, per above, that long term, maybe you get your own website, but I think this one DEFINITELY does the job, and I'll be using it for now!
You can import pictures and everything....
Here's mine: www.integrityfirstinvestment.com
(I basically bought a domain from GoDaddy and had it forwarded to my personal website created from Dean's website ---long term I'll build my own, but seriously, Dean did us all a favor by providing this one!) It gets you started right away.
I am sooooo excited! Now to get those properties locked up and on there!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter: http://tinyurl.com/p986al3
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/ocv10
Thanks for the info guys!!
The websites look great too. Louisa, I would love to hear more about how you will incorporate your own domain and also build a bigger and better website. Please touch base with me if you ever have some time!
Take care...
Robert M. Burkett CPA
Stay Active & "WORK IT OUT!!"
Get your "Daily Dose" & check out my journal at the link below!! I would love to hear from you as well!
I called & activated mine months ago, but It's pretty blank & I can't do anything with it...so I just left it. Has anyone else had this problem? I have the admin password but all I can do is change my contact ifo, not add my biz name, properties or anything else. Hmmmm?
Life's a Dance you learn as you go...GET HAPPY FEET!
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all." ~Dale Carnegie
I noticed your Billerica property. I'm out near Springfield MA. Perhaps we could chat.
Greg Coutu
Good Morning,
Would someone please share with us where to find the free website opportunity.
Thank you,
Ron and Ingrid
"I'm discovering the best way to predict our future is to create it!"
I just went to the free website manager home page. I was able to make any changes/additions without a problem. Hope it works for you now. Hope this helps.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
Ron and Ingrid
"I'm discovering the best way to predict our future is to create it!"
TDellaporta....Thank you for the info about the $60 upgrade to get rid of the banner ads. I may just do that! I totally agree that the 800 number is the important thing. I have mine, and just recently took it off my website just since I am using the number to offer info to interview real estate agents in my search for one. But soon, that 800 will be back on my site....I LOVE IT….Just as an extra plug for those that don’t have it yet -----what an amazing resource at $30 a month for faxing, & messages instantly texted to your cell phone for FREE, multiple extensions with various messages for your advertising, a free conference call bridge (all lines FREE!!), fax on demand to keep documents on file for callers that need them faxed immediately -----any small business should be so lucky to get this kind of value out of a service!
Robert...to your question, I basically went to GoDaddy.com and purchased my own domain and just had it forwarded to my Dean website instantly. Just for everyone else’s info, it costs about $30 and includes your own email with your domain name. I believe I paid $49 or 50 total because I happened to pay extra to buy all the websites with my website name + .info, .org,, .net so that I can forward all of those domains to my website too. If you would prefer to keep your email coming to your computer ---you can get GoDaddy to download to your MS Outlook/Entourage, or another great FREE way to manage several email addresses on your computer at least for PC users, is to download Windows LIVE mail for FREE!! This allows you to have multiple INBOXES for several email addresses, and allows you to manage folders under each Inbox for specific deals, etc...
But back to you Robert ----you may be asking about what I was saying long term ---that I'd like to have a different website built on my same domain that I already purchased. Yes, eventually I will...I don't have big plans for it right now though. And in terms of where I will turn...probably to a few friends that do web design. I have to say though, the only reason I may do this is just to have a different template look as there are other great Dean students in my area who post ads on Craigslist and I would just like to have a unique site in reaching out to investors, so we don't all look the same
If it weren’t for that, I feel Dean’s website keeps it simple and is direct…I like it!
Not that anyone asked... but here is my humble opinion….(take anything with a grain of salt, as I am new...I am confidant I will make money in real estate but haven’t yet...these are just my thoughts on what I perceive to be good websites)
The best sites I have been to as far as REI and wholesaler sites have kept it pretty simple just like Dean has for us. In fact, several that I've seen have only had even one page to attract investors...a simple log-in for an email of properties and good deals regularly, and then a separate one page site for homeowners looking to sell. After all, at the end of the day, all that matters, is that you are able to:
1. Come across professionally (preferably not too many fonts/colors unless just grabbing attention at something in particular, but one color scheme...think interior design) whether you have a 5 page site or 1 page site
2. Offer testimonials on your website to attract people to work with you (if you have them ---I don’t yet as I’m starting, but as soon as I close my first deal, testimonials, here we come!!
3. Quickly and efficiently gather investor and/or buyer info and reiterate there information will not be shared
In the meantime, I'm thrilled to have a simple, FREE site that is to the point, and only took me a few hours to set up (with my pictures,logo and such). Thank you Dean! Right now, I need to focus on getting deals done rather than building another website!
For anyone else ---There really aren’t any issues with the FREE website. You actually don't need to call anyone, but rather, just look in the book Profit From Real Estate now or as TDellaporta has offered above….look for for the website address, and sign up instantly. It is not big and colorful, but that is where YOU come in to add pictures, etc... I am definitely not a web designer and I don't know HTML other than a couple commands, but the EDIT page is pretty simple and you don't have to know HTML at all, and if you can easily press buttons at the top of the edit page that allow you to upload pictures instantly
*********Here’s a great tip you can implement on your website!!!
****Get a FORM on your website so SELLERS and BUYERS can fill out that instantly comes to your email *****
This is awesome and FREE!! People pay web designers a lot to build a form, and
I found this FREE on this website.: www.emailmeform.com Here is the process step by step:
**Sign up for the free forms….and you can build a form.
**You do not have to subscribe or upgrade to get a great form. Again, this is FREE!
**Once you build your form, you can click on “Get HTML” It will give you all the HTML garble that builds your form.
**Go to your Dean’s free website and go to EDIT your PAGES, and select the page you want the form on
**Look at the tabs at the bottom and you’ll see the HTML tab. Click on it. You’ll see all the HTML garble. I don’t know HTML, so I prefer to put my form at the bottom of thte page. So scroll down to the bottom of all that HTML garble, and then COPY/PASTE your form (the HTML form that you built from emailmeform.com) and PASTE it into your Dean’s site.
**SAVE YOUR CHANGES ----THEN VIEW YOUR SITE. Whah lah!! YOU HAVE FORM!! I was excited to find this.
**Make SURE you try out your form and go to your website, and go fill it out. The results should come automatically to YOUR email address pretty instantly!
**BIG NOTE TO SAVE YOU TIME: If you spend a while building your form on emailmeform.com, you will occasionally get logged out….and if you haven’t saved your form, you have to start ALL OVER! IT’s a little bit of a pain. So go in, make a super-short form, save it, and then you can always go in and edit it, and continue to save. THIS WILL SAVE YOU TIME! I have had to build forms a few times from scratch because of getting logged out, however, all of this is well worth it because it is FREE.
**What to put on your form? You can see mine on my BUYER and SELLER page for ideas. www.integrityfirstinvestment.com
I basically got ideas from looking at other WE BUY HOUSES websites.
Happy Website Building!!!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter: http://tinyurl.com/p986al3
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/ocv10
I appreciate it! Yes, I hope you will stay in touch too!! I'll continue to check out your journal...awesome!
And that free designer from GoDaddy...Website Tonight...sounds cool. I'll have to take a look at it. I may just wait until my first deal is done so I don't waste another minute to get that first deal!
I do love the forums here! And the search tool...definitely...a lot of info to cover and thanks for your posts on due diligence in reading what is already here! I feel like I'm catching up on the last few years of deals on here and what to do and how to do it. I wish I could just download this entire site into my brain right now!!!
Thanks again Todd...I wish lots of success to you! Keep me posted!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter: http://tinyurl.com/p986al3
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/ocv10
Yes, Dean does offer a 100% Free website to all his students, so enjoy it & thank him for that since it's coming out of his deep pockets
You can view mine by going to my page here, I posted both links.
Louisa, I like your logo in your website, I'm trying to get some ideas to create mine for "JP Bargains" perhaps you can help me with it or point me to the right direction
Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.
Thank you on the logo! I actually just came across some logo software online(but I wouldn't suggest you buy it only because the only house graphic in it is actually the one I used.....there isn't a lot for real estate in this software).
Anyway, I happened to play with it, and made a mistake, and that's when the little people shaking hands popped on my screen (that was another graphic in the program, but I didn't even know I selected it). I'm very NOT creative in logo-building...
I'm normally the last person people turn to for logos....it isn't my strength...I just happened on one almost already built (without the people shaking hands part)!
You can find some decent logo software out there online that lets you design your logo, and then if you like it, you can buy it for under $100. I would say go for that...and the more ideas you see and create, the more you'll be able to run with it yourself! It maybe called logodesign...something like that...just google.
Best of luck to you!!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter: http://tinyurl.com/p986al3
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/ocv10
Louisa, I believe your lovely smile made everything come together in creating your logo
Just sending a compliment your way!
I hope you do well on the REI as well....
Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.
Sure Todd, I don't mind checking out your work, let me know how I can view it....thanks for the offer also!
Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.
oh you guys are so good, thanks for the great answers!
Annis ^.^
If you want to fly with Eagles, do not hang out with Turkeys!
Aw...thank you John! Wow...glad to see Todd is ON IT on graphic design. Multi-talented and giving folks here I tell you. Very cool.
Thank you also John for your separate thread question on Probate letters...I'm looking forward to reading replies you receive.
Annis, welcome!!! May you have lots of success here! I love this website!
Take care,
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter: http://tinyurl.com/p986al3
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/ocv10
The company I am partnering with sells them for $26,900 yes that's right $26,900 and you own it. Wild huh. I am buying one now too. There are investors here buying 10 at one time and company will give you one FREE. So for $269,000 you get 11 homes which cash flow on average $500 per month, or $5500 per month cash flow.
Feel free to contact me at bluesummerventures@****
Happy investing.
This is awesome information! I was also thinking to make some changes on DG Free website, cuz everyones web looks alike. I wanted to choose a domain from GoDaddy, so I could transfer to my Free web, but was not sure if DG will allow to do that, well, seems like it works just perfect!
I need to improve mine, too
I agree with Todd, if DG is giving you a free website why go & spend money on another host when everything id free here, it should not matter if it looks alike because not all of us live in the same state or area, also we all work together here so theirs no competition here apart from other investors out there that are not part of the DG family.
Luisa, hopefully we will get more updated info on probates because that's the way to go on making a whole lot of money, at least we know theirs not allot of investors going after them exspect for us.
Rick, there is another company out there doing the same thing in the mid west area of the U.S. Their doing REO properties only for $34,900 on each home & you can get up to ten houses and you have to paid up front for each home, and you act like the bank when you collect the cash flow each month for $400-$500 on each home. Can you send me the link to the one your involved with so I can check them out. I do like the extra free home that they offer, who is paying for that free house, that's what would find out......
Cyle, regarding Ad Sense that does go directly to you & not to DG because of your info that you have to provide to Google. I haven't quite understood how that really works to get paid but I did read up on it. So if you get more info about please let me know.
Save the best for last
Annis, I also want to welcome you to the DG site & I hope we were able to answer your question regarding the free website.
Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.
Oh, just a note, the only reason I decided to go get a different domain than the free site, is the free site isn't exactly a memorable domain or good for business cards being so long. (Dean admits this himself in his book)....so I wanted to get a shorter domain using my own company name, that long term I could make my own site (maybe per Todd's suggestion using the free design templates on GoDaddy). But for now, it's nice to have the free, already built templates and copy that Dean provided!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter: http://tinyurl.com/p986al3
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/ocv10
Great info Mr. Greenwell...
If I remember correctly, you just have to go thru the actual sign up process. There is a place on the site to login, so I would imagine that if you don't have this info set up yet, you should be able to create it. Just look around and i believe it will be right there!
Hopefully I'm plling you to the right direction...
Take care,
Robert M. Burkett CPA
Stay Active & "WORK IT OUT!!"
Get your "Daily Dose" & check out my journal at the link below!! I would love to hear from you as well!
Cyle, great post on website domain. Thanks!
Per your question ----You are more than a Member. You are a "Site Particpant" ---you have surpassed "Member"
The rest of us are members, and I hope one day to be a "Site Participant" officially, anyway. Looks like you've contributed some good stuff (per all your badges), so you have made it to "Site Participant"....from what I've seen, the next level is "Site Regular", then "Site Enthusiast", then "Superstar" (or maybe there is something before that), then "DG Superstar", then "DG Superstar / Inner Circle" ----I'm guessing the order, but this just seems what I've seen from contributors so far.
Here's a separate thread on badges you might enjoy: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/24636/bad...
So Cheers to making "Site Participant" and to one day making the "Inner Circle"! YAY!
Much success to you!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter: http://tinyurl.com/p986al3
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/ocv10
Cyle, great post on website domain. Thanks!
Per your question ----You are more than a Member. You are a "Site Particpant" ---you have surpassed "Member"
The rest of us are members, and I hope one day to be a "Site Participant" officially, anyway. Looks like you've contributed some good stuff (per all your badges), so you have made it to "Site Participant"....from what I've seen, the next level is "Site Regular", then "Site Enthusiast", then "Superstar" (or maybe there is something before that), then "DG Superstar", then "DG Superstar / Inner Circle" ----I'm guessing the order, but this just seems what I've seen from contributors so far.
Here's a separate thread on badges you might enjoy: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/24636/bad...
So Cheers to making "Site Participant" and to one day making the "Inner Circle"! YAY!
Much success to you!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter: http://tinyurl.com/p986al3
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/ocv10
Hey Louisa...
Thanks so much for the post. I totally agree with what you are doing and completely "get it"! I think I will eventually do the same thing when the time is right.
I must say that you write very well and your post are very enjoyable / beneficial to read, so KEEP it up, ok!! I also think you will be very successful in this REI thing becuase your drive and ambition is "obvious"!!
Hopefully I can help you down the road too. Besides gathering up as much info as I can, I always want to try and inform / support / motivate the rest of the DG community if I can. Hopefully I have done alright so far! lol
Thanks again for answering my questions and I look forward to corresponding with / reading all your posts down the road!
I wish you the very best with your REI dreams and ambitions....
Oh, couple things I forgot to mention... I found a website based here in AZ called "www.zooloo.com". Definately check it out becuase they too sell website domains but you can also get a free webpage as well. The cool part of their business is that they try to get all your "social media" items you are involved with on on one webpage. Basically to make your work day a little more effecient by having facebook, twitter, outlook, etc. all right there in front of you to use...
Please check it out gang and tell us what you think!
I also agree you have a great smile!!
Take care and God Bless!
Robert M. Burkett CPA
Stay Active & "WORK IT OUT!!"
Get your "Daily Dose" & check out my journal at the link below!! I would love to hear from you as well!
I just have to tell you that the information that you have given is awesome! I am also a new investor and was looking to set up my site when I came across your site and this forum. Thank you so much for sharing and helping it be easier on the rest of us newbies! Now I am going to try and set up my website! I am so excited and may already have my first deal in the works. Good Luck to you!
Nikki L.
Great, I mean GREAT info you guys shared! Love this site and the folks on it!! Keep it comin'!!!
Have a Blessed Day,
We all are everyday Angels, so why not expect miracles? They're there...have you noticed or made yours today?
Todd , well done !
I am going to do the same thing , get a webside and the 800 number .
See you up there at the top !
Thank you sincerely ,
"If you think you can or if you think you can't, you're right! "
I agree, per above, that long term, maybe you get your own website, but I think this one DEFINITELY does the job, and I'll be using it for now!
You can import pictures and everything....
Here's mine: www.integrityfirstinvestment.com
(I basically bought a domain from GoDaddy and had it forwarded to my personal website created from Dean's website ---long term I'll build my own, but seriously, Dean did us all a favor by providing this one!) It gets you started right away.
I am sooooo excited! Now to get those properties locked up and on there!
Hey how did you get a submission form on your webpage?
is provided in the book as well as already being posted in this forum post...just go back through this thread and you'll find it very easily.
"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman
"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools