
All About marita301


Topics I've Participated In

Tax Sales Advice Randy5611 years 44 weeks ago
Anyone Familiar with Tax Sale Info? ECCInvestments3913 years 7 weeks ago
$57,000 Total wholesale profits in 30 days! Flip_Kid4813 years 14 weeks ago
First Deal offer accepted!!! MCArmel13813 years 22 weeks ago

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No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


some questions

Hello everyone... just new here and would like to ask about how can get cash at closing.... I am planing to buy a house (multi family rental house) so we can have some income monthly. Should I buy the house cash or buy several houses? help me please ... anyone!... I dont know where to start and what to do..HELP

Want to start investing..... help

we are finally closing on our house for sale and would like to invest it in rental houses but would like to strech my budget and possibly buy 2 rentals instead of one and still have money at closing.... is that possible?
1 house is $64.000 a 2 unit duplex
with a monthly rent of $950
1 house is 1/2 duples $59,000
with a monthly rent of $1,100
I like them both but I could only buy 1 for cash and I wont have money left if I buy it cash
Is it possible to buy them both
how do I get cash at closing?
Help me please.... anyone:)

I like the first one because it is 2 unit but lesser income than the 1/2 duplex......

Should I just buy at

Should I just buy at auctions (real estate).. foreclosure ....shortsale..
I want to succeed in real estate but do not know where to start....