
All About Matthias01

Jerome Barnes

Topics I've Participated In

How to Attract Investors to Assign to Your Deals Madison4097 years 8 weeks ago
Using lawyers in wholesale/assignment deals Matthias01112 years 22 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Script to attract Assignment Buyers

Do you know a simple voicemail script to attract buyers for assignment of contract deals?

Is there a simple voicemail

Is there a simple voicemail script that I can use to get buyers to leave me their contact info. for assignment of contract deals?

Welcome to the DG Family

travisderod's picture

Welcome to the DG Family Jerome! Make sure you finish filling out your USER INFO so we know what city/state you're in and what type of REI you're doing. Welcome to the DG family again!