
All About rarefourm

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Gerald Donaldson

Topics I've Participated In

30 Days Quick Cash Formula michellecaseyks18757 years 50 weeks ago
Buisness Name rarefourm112 years 25 weeks ago
Shannon T's journey to fulfillment staylor1212 years 31 weeks ago
Hey Guys! doctor23312 years 33 weeks ago
Short Sales Moving Into Mainstream dgadmin2212 years 37 weeks ago

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Mainly Just This One



Learning what to know about the details of houses that buyers are looking for.Am just interested in dealing with investor buyers now since I don't have enough money myself.Getting my dream team together,primarly looking for a Real Estate agent and a Real Estate attorney who understands assigment clauses,the Discharge of Agreement to Purchase Statement and Investor Discloser Statement.I was wondering,are you supposed to pay off your dream team members after you close the deal and during the grace period as the buyer is deciding whether or not they want to keep the house?