
All About Renae

Renae Debauw
Beaverton OR
REI- Personal Development - Gardening - Spending time with friends and family

Topics I've Participated In

Graphic Tools for REI by JJD - #2 - FREE Website Site List JJD3612 years 4 weeks ago
A Little House Donna Doo1614 years 48 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hi Renae

John A's picture

Just wanted to say hi & welcome you to the DG site Smiling Don't hesitate to ask me anything about REI to help you on your way to success, so ask away & stay in touch on your progress...

Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.

Hello Back

Thanks for the welcome and offer of support.

I have a no real estate experience - have taken a seminar coarse and now the additional knowledge after reading the Dean's books - but no practical application yet.

It is nice to know everyone is so willing to assist.

Thanks again - rd


MJgrizzly's picture

Nice to talk with someone from the same area, so keep us posted and think about forming a group get together of us new-bee's, we are in a great area to start investing. Michael J


As you can see I have not been on this site for awhile - not because of lack of interest but totally distracted with family illness.

Did you ever get the group together in this area.

I am partnering with a couple other gals and we have purchased 1 house in AZ now just need to decide what to do with it.

Our progress has been a little slow but steady would love to join your group. Renae