Hello my name is Richard Patterson, i'm 40 years old, I have been working in the fast-food industy off and on for that past 24 years. I have learn alot of thinks... I have learn you have steps in a job, then move your way up in the industy.
I have when to seminars after seminars, i have did a case study about people going to theys events, one thing a knows is people go empty handed, what i mean about that is no note book to take notes, and when the person on stage ask everyone understand what i'm saying?, i see everyone saying YES!!!... In reallty they ready don't, because after i ask people what did you get out of this event?, and there response is hmmm i don't know, then i look down an see no notes have been taken. What i trying to say here is before going to any event take a pin and a note pad with you.... Here's tip for you, write down some bullet points you what to get out of this event....
I'm not real writer, but when i start typing out things... i just say comes to me, i'm so proude that i writen this long, this is my first time writing, is just like talking to people, networking with others....
Where did i come from? Check these videos out, if these videos doesn't get to you and move you what will... Copy an past in a different browner, let it fully download it is over 27 minutes long....our ones 5 mintunes or so...
During this storm of august 24, 1992. I was in a rental property at the time. NOTHING!!! moved me like this did that night, i've have to say this, i heard a fate whistling sound outside, i was holding a full size mattress in a front of a BIG!! glass window at the time of that sound, then i remember heard people stating they heard a frate train sound it was a full size tornado ran in the house, before hitting the house i ran to closes bedroom and hiden in a bedroom closet until the store went away... the hole storm when from 8pm that night to 6/7am in the next morning, the next door neighbor came over after the storm, an ask me are you ok? i reponsed...WOO!!! WHAT A STORM.....
A year or two after 9/11 i moved to georgia, now time to start chapter 2... Are you ready to follow my story for chapter 2, i hope so, i see a bright future coming, and willing to take 50 people with me on this future ride, if your FIRED UP READLY TO GO!!!! Bookmark this page and stay tune for my next posting...it maybe in hours or your days, that why i ask you to bookmark this page...