Joined: 2011-08-02
Points: 16

Canada investing in Seattle/Tacoma, WA, Cleveland/Columbus/Cincinnati, OH and Central Florida
About Me:
I started researching and learning about real estate investing many years ago. It is something I have always wanted to do. Now that my daughter is grown and moved out, it is now my turn to ignore the fear and jump in with both feet.
My plan is to start with wholesaling and to add fixing/flipping (my #1 passion) and holding/renting when I have made some money with wholesaling.
January 2016 - I am updating my profile to add that I am now wholesaling in the Seattle, WA area, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Central Florida.
Feel free to contact me if I can help or if you want to work together. I am very interested in doing some JV flips with anyone living in these areas. I am also always happy to work with other wholesalers.
Camping, quading, kayaking, fishing, reading, and gardening.
Investor network
Hi Shelly,
It was nice to receive your email indicating that you are interested in the deals I am able to provide in Cleveland Ohio.
I am more than happy to network with you and help where I can.
If you are still interested in these deals, please let me know a good email address to send them to.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards