
All About sigur

sigur's picture
Phoenix area, Arizona
About Me: 

I just started the RockBottomBluePrint and I want to focus on wholesale first. I have been interested in real estate investing for some time and bought some courses and attended seminars but it got nowhere as I was repeatedly told by others that does not work. I want to make this work because the inspiration and support is in place which makes a big difference. I am renting now and want to get into my own place asap even if it is rent/lease to own.

Travel, Nutrition, Real Estate, Internet, Motivation, Art, Books

Topics I've Participated In

Basic Info

Computer Lab Tech
Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


My Why

sigur's picture

I need to make RockBottmBlueprint work for me because
* I need a higher payplan. I must be able to provide for me and my son. I want this to be my ticket to financial freedom.
* I want to be able to quit my job by Nov. 1, 2011 and have this as my main income. I want to have my own real estate business with my son (wholesaling first) and teach him to have his own profitable business.
* Freedom to work when and where I want. Have more time for fun with my family and go on trips.
* I have wanted to be a real estate investor for some time bought courses and attended seminars, but it got nowhere because people told me that did not work. Here the inspiration and support is in place which is very helpful.
* I want to buy my own house this year even if it is rent/lease to own. I have been looking into that because the owner wants his house back where I rent now.

Changed REA

sigur's picture

Last weekend I got a REA and she was very nice on the phone and afterwards I sent her the follow up email. Since then she does not answer my calls nor my emails. During this time I posted two ghost ads on Craigslist and now I have 3 eagar cash buyers, but no properties for them. I have moved on to the next so I started calling agents again. I found one yesterday, she seems to really know how to work with investors and she has already sent me four emails, two with list of good deals on properties listed. I am impressed with her! Now I need to figure out the next step and get properties for my cash buyers.