I wanted to start this blog to help all of those wanting to make money in real estate with no cash and no credit.... AKA "wholesaling". Wholesaling is by far the best way to get started in real estate investing when you have no money to get started and well... your credit is feeling the weight of your debt.
If your like I was starting out you are working a job, living paycheck to paycheck and doing your best just to stay afloat of your financial situation. Let's face it you would not be here if you were not looking for a way to suppliment your income right?
The best thing about Wholesaling real estate is that you DO NOT need any of your own money to make money and you will NEVER have to use your own credit to make money. SOUNDS AWESOME RIGHT?
I started with Dean in 2008 when my fanancial situation hit rock bottom and our business went under. I was losing my home to foreclosure, could not pay my bills and had no idea what I was going to do to get out of the financial crisis I was facing. I purchased Dean's book with my last $30.00 and followed it like a Bible. I followed every technique in the book and within the first 30 days I made my first $10,000.00
I have been wholesaling real estate ever since and have actually closed over 600 properties since then. I am no longer oin debt, I am financially free and I LOVE MY NEW LIFE!
I created this blog to help you do the same thing... MAKE MONEY!!!
I will try to post regularly and will post all of my tips and strategies to help you get your wholesaling business off the ground. If I can do it you can too!
Keep checking back as I will post as often as I can to help you take this to the next level.
To Your Success,
Carol Stinson
ALOHA! Carol
Thank you very much Carol for your heartwarming story. I totally appreciate you for taking courage to purchase DG book and be committed to make a change for the betterment of yours and your family life. AWESOME! Your my hero. Thank you for sharing your blessings with all of us.
Yes Carol thanks so much for
Yes Carol thanks so much for the positive push forward. I am in just about the same situation, and unfortunately moved to a new state and can't find a job!!! I look so forward to my first deal, and its always great to read the success of others. Thanks again. Yes keep posting!!!
Wholesaling Tips
Hi Carol,
I appreciate that you are taking the time out to help wholesalers, like myself. I have so many questions and concerns. I read that one of the place you found buyers was through Yahoo. What did you say to draw those buyers in?
My other concern is with the buyers. Sometimes, I feel as though I am not saying the right thing to them. How did you get them to feel comfortable with signing a Purchase and Sales Agreement?
I think I am close to closing my first deal, with another wholesaler, but I really want to find properties of my own to present to buyers.
I refuse to give up, I still have faith that I will close my first deal by the end of July.
Can you break down Matt Larsen's formula to finding a good deal?
And I have one more favor to ask. I have a property that I wanted you to look and help me apply it to Matt Larsen's formula to see if it is a good deal, please and thank you? I figure this way I can grasp how to find good deals.