
Well, my loan company was a scam artist. I am not proud to admit this, but I'm out $350 and trying to get my personal information off of the internet. Stupid me! This will be a major set back, and looking back at it, I should totally have known better. Oh well, lesson learned, back to studying what I can and waiting for my books. There are two lessons I think people can take from this, aside from the obvious. As disheartened and disgusted as I am, I will keep studying, posting blogs, bragging about successes and admitting mistakes. None of you, ever, give up on your dreams. We will all make mistakes (hopefully not as obvious as mine) and things will go wrong. But we can always pick ourselves up, hold our head high, and keep right on going. I'm never going to say don't look for alternate loan options aside from what's available on this site, but I do advise, and wish I had, simply going around to offices in your area. I didn't think I would get financed through a traditional office, but I'm going to drive to one next week. Keep your faith that things will work out, and keep going no matter how tough it gets. You will get through it. Yes, you may laugh at my stupidity, no I won't tell you just how OBVIOUS of a scam I walked into, and by the way, in a few days, I'll be laughing to, because with or without the loan I wanted, I will eventually succeed, and unlike the scammers, I will be able to proudly and honestly tell people how I got rich. By the way, If any of you would like to learn anything I just learned the hard way, feel free to message. I'll tell you anything I can, but you should already know most of it. I just turned off my common sense because things had been going so well. Keep your guard up!


Lisa R's picture

Sorry to hear of your misfortune Looks like you've got a good handle of the situation now, I admire your positive attitude.
Remember there is no failure only feedback.

Warmest regards,


Thanks for the comment and the support. I'm just hoping someone will read it and not make the same mistake I did. I actually thought about not posting a thing, but then what good would come of it? At least this way maybe I can spread my $350 dollar lesson around a little, and where can you take a college course that cheap anyway?