Matts pricing formula/ 30 days to cash


I read the entire book 30 days to cash and when I got to the formula that Matt has described in your book I didn't quite understand it. Is there anyone out there that can help me understand this topic better?

Realestate agent

So far I haven't been able to get an agent to help me here in the Pensacola fl area to help me. Seems their to busy taking care of short sales to be bothered with any investor. Any body out there run into the same problems.

My advice

femailceo's picture

is to go and read it one more time, slowly as it is pretty straight-f0rward, but I will try to explain. What he is doing is taking a house that is say $100,000 dollars and then taking away various fees that you will encounter in buying the home, that will cut into your profits. So, he takes away the realtor fee about 6% I think, then closing costs 3%, and some other fees, so that basically in the end you will always want to account for only 85% of the house, so instead of 100,000 you start as if the house was 85,000. However then you need to know if the house needs anything else like repairs and minus that amount and then minus the amount of profit you want to make. Then you have an offer number that you don't want to go above, so you start your offer even lower than that number, and I think he was down to 43,000 to start his offer on a 100,000 house.

No flipping

I have just learned that Florida has instated a 30 day no flipping clause. Is there any body out there who knows how to get around this legally. Or should I look into another state for investing? This has really put a dampner on my investing here within my own state.

Matts formula

Thanks for your advice. I think I understand you and will read the book several more times in order to understand it much better. Thank you so much for taking the time to try and help me, I appreciate it very much.

bandit signs

Where do you suggest I look for material to make the bandit signs with little or no money to spend? Would you start at Lowe's or Wall Mart? Need to get this done as soon as possible!

No topic

I guess I don't know how to use this webbsite. I have posted many blogs and have only got one answer. Whats up with that?

Is there anybody reading my

Is there anybody reading my posted blogs or am I just talking too myself? Anybody home out there?


I need to know how to post ghost ads on lead takle, linkedin, and bigger pockets? can anyone out there help me accomplish this right now?


I need to know how to post ghost ads on lead takle, linkedin, and bigger pockets? can anyone out there help me accomplish this right now?


femailceo's picture

I have only posted on bigger pockets in the above mentioned list you have. I believe you have to join groups and can posts within those groups. I am not sure about lead tackle and linkedin.

Don't be weary; when you first join sometimes there is no answer to your question, however, there is plenty of information in the posts and in the books to use as reference. Just take your time and look. Keep posting as well, and post on other peoples topics, but remember not to hijack the post which means posting things not related to the initial question or comment the initial poster has started. Good luck and Merry Christmas!


I don't understand this website! there should be a place to ask your questions no matter what the tgopic of real estate. I find it confusing


This is a place where like minded people come for answers??? I just find it hard to unerstand