keith Hughes

All About keith Hughes

Keith hughes
Navarre FL
About Me: 

I am and airframe and power plant mechanic by profession. I am also retired from the USAF. I have worked on aircraft all my life since I was 19 years old. It pays the bills and that's all I can say about it. I want to retire and not worry about where the next pay check is going to come from. I am married, and my wife's name is Lilian. She is from the Philippines from the Island of Mindanao/ Visyas. I like to ride motorcycles and I like classic cars. I also have traveled all over the world. I would like to do those things again and dream of traveling again.

out doors, motorcycles, classic cars and airplanes, BMW cars/ motorcycles, traveling

Topics I've Participated In

How to Attract Investors to Assign to Your Deals Madison4097 years 48 weeks ago
PRIVATE LENDER lynsbaby1310 years 37 weeks ago
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #217 - Seeking Investor Area Managers dgadmin157811 years 14 weeks ago
the edge event keith Hughes011 years 39 weeks ago
Why Asset Tracking System for Business? nishantbarot211 years 47 weeks ago

Basic Info

Airframe & power plant mechanic
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


deans weekly blog # 103

Dean, This is a personal message to you! First of all I want to say that I totally am a believer in you. When I saw your two children today I knew then that you really have a huge,huge heart. I always new this and today seeing your kids just made my heart melt. I will start out by saying that I am guilty of not doing everything that you are teaching us. I have been with you as a student going on two years. I've not been able to get one deal done. I am truly ashamed of it. You see I have had to work two jobs for over 2& 1/2 yrs. I would work over 80 hours a week living payday to payday. Then in January of this year I had to quit those two jobs and take one where I worked 60 hrs a week. On the 9th of October I got laid off. The point I am trying to make here is this. try as hard as I might I just didn't have enough time in a day to accomplish much of anything. Also I failed to mention that I had an hour and a half drive one way to work 6 days a week, for a combined three our daily drive. I am not making excuse as to why I've not been able to make my first deal. Now that I lost my only means of income, I suddenly looked around and realized how much I have missed out on. I have all the time in the world to concentrate on real estate. I feel like a big burden has been lifted off of my shoulders. Right now I am reading your book through for the second time and I know I am gaining the wisdom and the knowledge and the confidence to pull this off. And let no man stop me! Dean I look forward to shaking your hand some day, because I am a believer. You are my only hope! We are in debut well over our heads. But through this all I have never given up no matter how hard it gets. You are a blessing sent from God. I believe that I will make my first deal very soon because you have inspired me to never give up on your dreams. I will succeed! I just wanted to tell you this and to share this with other people out there who are also worse off than we are. And I wanted to personally say thank you for truly being there for all the people, for caring with your gracious and giving heart. Thank You Dean. Keith Hughes.

how to attract investors on your investors list

I would like to know how some of you have attracted investors to your investors list? I am a member of the Pensacola Fl Navigators REI club. and so far there are very few investors that I have been able to connect with. I have left my business cards with the REI club meetings and have only been able to get one on my list. I need some help here.

Florida cashflow Duplexes

bluesummerventures's picture

Hi Keith,
Check out one of the webinars and see if this works for your investers.
Happy thanksgiving!


carol stinson

I just have one question for you miss stinson. why did you block me from face book to where I cannot reply to your messages but all I can do is recieve your messages. All I did was ask for advice from you on how to post a ghost add on craigs list and you simply shut me down, Why?

Realestate agent

Unfortunately I have struck a big fat zero in being able to get a realestste agent from my area using the methods from the 30 days to cash. All that I have contacted are a real sorry pack of wolves. I really need some help here with my morale because I am right back to where I have started out. Deep in debt and soon to be jobless. They say it's easy to get an agent. I have struck out on all levels in trying to get one. I would like to get one because I know this is the very key to getting started. When I contact them they ask alot of questions that I don't have answers for. I use the exact text that Matt has told us to use. They tell me that you cannot whole sale here in Florida because there is a thirty day holding law that Florida has on the books. Every time I turn around there is that brick wall that I can't seem to break free of. It's really affecting me emotionally. They say that short sale's is the only thing that you can do in this area. Generally most agents are to busy to do any thing with me because they are to busy doing short sale's. I am ashamed to admit that I have been trying this for over two years to get somthing started and every time It always ends up like this. Does any body know what I am saying here. Is there any one who can understand this is not as easy as it seems. I just want to get some real honest help here? I know that you people who have already made your first deal will probably think and say that I am being negative here and probably will not respond at all. If I have to begg then so be it. You see everthing is on the line here including my marriage my job and my way of life. Pretty soon I will be jobless in a matter of weeks. I have nothing more that I can do to stop and get off of this train that is going to wreck. I have no money because I am totally drained, completely out, zero! I begg for some one to give me some help. I can't take it any more.