I have been thinking about work a great deal lately. In my lifetime it seems as if the word "work" has become something that should be avoided. A few years ago in France the government lead the charge to cut the average work week to thirty-five hours. We see parents everyday who do all that they can to see to it that their children do not have to work.
What a great disservice we are doing to our chidren.
We need to change our view from the avoidance of work to the love of work. Does this mean that our lives should be consumed with work? Of course not! However, we need to see our work as positive and noble. Most work is good. Humble, physical labor has built many beautiful things. The engineers and designers of some of the great buildings in the world did great works. However, the laborors who carried the bricks and mortor also did a great work.
Wwe should never degrade someone who is working honestly to provide for his or her family.
Work is a blessing.
Roy Voeks
Dean Graziosi Real Estate Coach
Finding Time
As one of Dean's coaches a familiar theme I often hear from students is "there is not enough time." What is often not said is "I am not fully vested."
When we become fully vested we take ownership. A few years ago the football coach of Brigham Young University asked all of the players and fans to become fully vested in the program. Each person had a role. The players were to become committed to excellence and sportsmanship on the field and in the classroom. The fans were to bring a 12th man attitude to the stadium and a sense of sportsmanship. The result was that all felt a part of the team and was ready to do his or her part.
Do we approach our investing the same way? If not we need to take a look and see where we can make changes.
We all are part of this program to succeed.
Roy Voeks
Dean Graziosi Real Estate Coach
Have you ever thought how important relationships are to all of us? In every aspect of our life we are involved in a relationship. If we have no relationships we are usually not very happy.
In business we develop many relationships. It is important that we cultivate those relationships. We can do that by being fair and honest in our dealings and being kind and courteous to those we are doing business with.
Being tough and being ruthless are two different things. We need to be tough but we do not need to be ruthless. Eventually it will catch up with us if we are not fair.
Also, remember to do your best. When our best effort goes out we will usually have success. Our best efforts come when we are well prepared. Asking key questions and knowing exactly what to do is a major component to having success.
Setting Goals
Goal setting is on of the most important things we can do as we move on the path of success. If we are to find success and fulfillment we will need to set goals in order to get where we want to be.
Daily I see students that have goals move towards there destinations hppier and more confident. These are usually people that know what they want and go about getting it. They ask questions and take advantage of opportunities that are presented to them. They overcome propems and obstacles.
On the other hand, there are individuals who always have an excuse as to why something can't be done. They are too busy. They work too much. They have no money. They are not smart enough.
Each of us has the choice as to what we want to accomplish. Hopefully, we will choose the path that allows us to accomplish our goals.
Roy Voeks
Dean Graziosi Real Estate Coach