I have finally connected with a Real Estate Agent from My area's MNREIA group. I've spoken with my Coaches and I'm getting advise on how NOT to burn this one out. LOL,,I'll be making wiser offers from here on out. We'll see what happens!
Signing Out,
Great Good Luck with all. Im part of MNREIA also maybe we can hook up and do some deals together .My husband and I will most likely be at the Aug 7th meeting. Drop me a note.
It took me long enough, I can't tell you'all how many Agents that I've been through. Yes, let's get together and make this happen.
I've decided to break down and do the BANDIT SIGNS. I put in my order in last week, they should be in my P.O. Box tomorrow. I'm doing what my COACHES, DEAN, and MATT told me to do.
I GOOGLED the busiest intersections. I'm gonna put 25 out in St Paul where a lot of My Cash Buyers are investing, and 25 in Crystal, Coon Rapids, and other areas where a few others are investion in, and go from there.
Where in August?
Oh! I have a question, I have just filtered out my criteria yesterday through this morning. I've watched THE EDGE 11 videos all last night and this morning, I can't figure out for the life of me on what to offer. .7, or .6, or .5 ? I'm a true newbie. LOL
The COACHES are not on call yet and I want to put in my 25 offers hoping the 25-1 works.
any suggestions? I think I might try 6.5. I guess, I don't know. I DON'T HAVE TO GET IT RIGHT, I JUST HAVE TO GET IT GOING. Right?
I look forward to meeting you'all. Hopefully, we can work on some deals together.
Your Welcome
This is the Next MNREIA meeting. All details are on there website. Just click this link. Need details on the property you are looking at to answer that question. Then will you be wholesaling or what is your mail goal with realestate. I am not sure what you mean by 7 6 or 5. I am not great at the offers part my self my husband does that part. Bandit signs are a great idea but i havent tried them my self they are expensive. I am sure you will get some business thorugh those.
I finally got in touch with the Coaches at The Success Academy, they answered my every question. On the numbers, I had to get the information from my Agent, so I did that and now I have to run numbers myself. I know how to do that now.
I was at the last MNREIA, were you all there as well? I also attend the CASH FLOW 101 in Bloomington, MN every month. Jack covered for Joe at the last Meet Up Group. Have you attended those, they are fun and educational.
My BANDIT SIGNS will arrive in my P.O. Box tomorrow. I let you know how well they work. Thanks for your feedback.
Yes we do attend the MNREIA meetings. We have not been there the last few months as other things have come up. Yes We have attended the Cash flow 101 in Bloomington One time and plan on going again. We have the game if you would ever want to get together sometime with some other people to play. My husband and i have purchased this game so we can play anytime we want. We have also purchased the cashflow 202 game as well. We have not yet played that one.
On a Diffrent note if you need a residential property inspector on your team we do that as well.
As a matter of fact, I am still building my Power Team and I have a long way to go to complete it. YES! I would love to get in on a game of 101. By me playing once a month, I don't think I'll learn as fast as I'd like to.
I haven't advanced to 202 yet, However, I will eventually. As of now, consider youselves MY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY INSPECTORS. How cool is that? I love social networking. Whenever I need my properties inspected, you will be the first to know.
Do you live close to downtown Minneapolis? Oh! I picked up my BANDIT SIGNS from my Post Office today. (Poster Boards). I think I'll wait until the weekend to put them out. I bet you're getting pretty good at the Cash Flow 101 game.
We'll have to hook up soon and play. I'm gonna go and admire my Big Yellow poster boards again in the box. lol, lol.
We'll talk soon.
Signing out,
You will have to PM me with your info or where and when you would like to meet and play 101. Im not very good yet but my husband got out of the rat race on the first time playing the game. We have not played 202 yet but we did look at some of the cards.
Yes we live close to downtown Minneapolis. Infact as close as you can get with out being in Minneapolis at all. We Live in St Louis Park is that close enough for you?
Yes we do have to hook up soon to play. We are busy tonight however.
Enjoy those Bandit signs.