Does It Really Work?

I am asked regularly if the program Dean has designed works. People want to know if they are really going to reap rewards if they put in the effort.

Everyday I see someone who is making money in this business. The common thread with successful students seems to be a willingness to work and a willingness to put the techniques to work. Successful students see the end and take the steps to get there. They are not looking for a way to fail, but anticipate rewards.

I often remind students that some of the biggest regrets in life that we have is not the fact that we tried and failed, but that we never gave it a shot. When we don't try we can feel the effects for a lifetime.

Keep up a good effort. When you least feel like working......WORK! Do not let your dreams be left on the side of the road. You are not meant to fail.

"IT" works if

reinvestor42's picture

"YOU" do the work

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