Hi everyone I'm back to share my RE journey. It's been a little over 3 months since I posted and again I got distracted by life and let "stuff "get in my way. Although I think my situation is a little different than most. You see besides all that stuff ..I'm grateful for a lot of things. I do have the tools, education mentorship ,coaching and above most the support from my fiance. Its very embarrassing to say that....but I want to be totally transparent here to let someone know out there they are not the only one. My problem is more mental. It's what Dean said one time.. the inner demons inside of us that kills our spirit. I tend to think things through and it usually end up negative and I don't do nothing about it. Analysis Paralysis. I've talked myself out of doing things mentally before doing it physically.lol. As I type this up I'm currently at a job that I "HATE". As far back as I can remember everything I've ever put my mind into and DO it I've succeeded. Why should REI be any different? I've read some post in journals of different DG members today and it has lit that fire inside again. I am going to commit to start working little by little for my business until results starts to happen. You see I've got a greater reason now more than ever to succeed. I'm getting married next year and my daughter turns 15 Financially that's going to be a lot. Ohhhh yeah not to mention the honeymoon. Things could be worse but I'm not going to let it get there. my first step reread 30 days to real Estate cash..... see you all at the top. N.M.W.T.
Well Kay, you're on your way. The first step in solving a problem is recognizing what it is...you seem to have done that. I am glad you have support it definitely helps.
I am a "thinker" too. In that I used to think I needed to know and understand everything before I could jump in. Now I trust that I will know what I need to know, when I need to know it and not necessarily beforehand.
I wish you all the best in your R.E career and also wish you every happiness in your upcoming marriage. I have four children myself, two sons (24, 25) and two daughters (16, 17). My oldest son moved back home three years ago to go to college and my daughters are in grade 11 and twelve so still have three kids on the payroll...lol
I made drastic changes in my life in 2007, I felt they were the right choices and it did bring me some measure of peace and happiness but it wasn't until June of this year when I was first introduced to the world of real estate through Dean's program that I felt and knew that a bigger life was not only possible but totally doable and actionable with what I have available to me which is really nothing more than a desire and a willingness to do it.
I have always considered myself an optimistic realist and I am ecstatic to know that my "reality" is so much more than I previously felt possible.
Best of luck to you in all aspects of your life!
warmest regards,
Lisa Richardson
Although I might be a little
Although I might be a little late, thanks for those words. Wish you well on your endeavor.