svpmoney's blog

Journey continues

Hi everyone I'm back to share my RE journey. It's been a little over 3 months since I posted and again I got distracted by life and let "stuff "get in my way. Although I think my situation is a little different than most. You see besides all that stuff ..I'm grateful for a lot of things. I do have the tools, education mentorship ,coaching and above most the support from my fiance. Its very embarrassing to say that....but I want to be totally transparent here to let someone know out there they are not the only one. My problem is more mental. It's what Dean said one time.. the inner demons inside of us that kills our spirit. I tend to think things through and it usually end up negative and I don't do nothing about it. Analysis Paralysis.

30 day journey

I'm really excited this week. I just receive the Deans 30 days of real estate cash and have implemented the blue print he has layed out for us to succeed. Although I'm only on the first day 1-5 it feels like I'm moving closer to my goals. I made a promise to myself I will succeed and nothing gonna hold me down. I might get knock down but I'm gonna keep getting up. On a side note does anyone knows how to find cash buyers off the MLS in broward county Florida?

My Journey to Success

Hello Everyone. Today is Sunday the 16 of September about 3 a.m. and watching the replay of the live webcast that Dean had on Friday and there's another one later today.(can't wait)I've been a DG student since March but really haven't done anything. I have to say after seeing this webcast and watching the 4 videos prior to this one I have planted in my head this is it. No more sitting on the fence. It's time for a change in my life and my girlfriend. For me and most important my daughter. You see I've always wanted to do real estate but always let "stuff" get in the way of my dreams. NO MORE!!

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