AndyS's blog

Days 65 &66

I can't believe I forgot to do my dailies yesterday. Not much to report so I was on another track.

I posted to a number of forums yesterday and that was about it. I also reposted my buyer's wanted ad to a couple of sites.

Today, I listened to another webinar, read and posted to some forums, recalled my caller from Sat., joined Linkdin, Set up my profile and joined some groups.

I'm calling it early so I'll see y'all tomorrow Smiling

Day 64

Today I basically checked my signs and suffered from the constant rain that was falling.
Tonight I was able to watch a video about Tax sales and checked my mail.

I did get 1 call from my sign this morning but it was from someone looking to rent a house. Returned call but got no answer. Will call again on Monday.

Read my mail, read new entries in forums, doing my dailies and calling it a night.

I'm hoping that the phone will ring more tomorrow but who knows. The rain could keep people home this weekend just as it's doing to me.

Till tomorrow...

Day 63

Today was the first step to hopefully a new future.

I sent out updates to my buyer's list.
I made my Bandit Signs and put them out tonight
I posted in 2 journals
Sent out some emails to fellow Dgers

doing my dailies and calling it a night.

All I can say now is RING PHONE RING!!!!!

Till tomorrow...

Day 62

Well today was a RE bust per say. Had to paint lures which took almost all day.
I did manage to read my PMs and check out some new posts to my bookmarked forums.

Preparing for tomorrow which is Fri. BANDIT SIGN DAY!!!!

Have to improvise using Yellow Poster Board and wooden stakes. Will plaster these on top of some sturdier cardboard so they will last a bit longer (I hope).

I already the places I'm going to put them mapped out. I have a Walmart- 2 entry/exit spots, 3 Grocery Store Spots, A Lowes and Home Depot and the mall. There is a Cancer Awareness walk down at Lake Wales (the lake my town was named for)so I will plant a few signs around there as well.

That's about it. Gonna call it a night a little early.

Till tomorrow...

Day 61

Today was a LURE day but I did manage to listen in to a R E webinar so I guess I did do some RE work

Read a couple journals
Spent a good portion of my day trying to Plot and Plan my next move.

Doing my dailies then calling it a night.

Till tomorrow...

Day 60

Well my 30 days quick cash formula has taken 60 days with still no sale yet. I would be more discouraged had I not gone out into the streets and seen with my own eyes the limited amount of opportunities that are here. There are opps, just not many.

I did make some strides forward today, took less pain pills so I was thinking clearer (even tho I haven't passed my stone yet).

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