AndyS's blog

Day 49

Today was not supposed to be a RE day but then again, things happen!

Day 48

Today was supposed to be more of a lure/ fish day but I was able to get some RE in as well

I had no mail or PM's when I got online this morning.
Came to and read a few forums before going to deliver my fish.

In a stroke of luck, while I was waiting for my customer, a van pulled into the parking lot I was in with a sign that said "Property management" on it. I went over to the driver and introduced myself and we spoke for about 10-15 minutes. Bottom line, I have another name on my power team list.

After coming back from the delivery, I answered some PMs, researched some stuff for my partner, went to 2 webinars, posted in a forum and did my dailies.
Gotta go back to lure work for my order delivery in 2 days.

Days 46 and 47

Day 46:
I was dealt a horrible blow at the RE agent's office today. After 45 days of doing the Blue Print, I am no closer to getting an agent as I was when I first started. I did, however, get a list of cash sales and was able to see where the investor's were.

Day 45

As you might tell, I didn't post this yesterday. I was up too late doing analysis to blog.

This was basically my RE day:
I answered my emails and PMs
I think I posted to a journal (can't remember Sad )
I pinned my cash solds and active listings.
That took almost all day and night because I was having Google Earth problems. I finally figured how to outsmart the problem but it took more time.

Here's a hint for anyone reading this:

day 44

Okay, so to continue from earlier today....

After doing the lawn and assorted stuff around the house, today was a RE day.

I posted to some forums
read some other forums
Answered my PMs and emails
Read through about 300 emails that I have been storing up to read (at a later time.)
Did a webinar this morning given by an investor looking for partners and deals
POSTED a couple more ads after looking through a number of the free classifieds websites
Did some computer house keeping
Plotted and Planned my next moves
Posted my dailies

Now I'm going to bed!

Till tomorrow....

Day 43

I know, you all thought I would have posted this by now but last night, I was just too tired and needed to go to sleep. I mean if I don't get my 3 or 4 hours of sleep each night, I'm worthless the next day Eye-wink

Yesterday's (day 43) news is that I finally got some ads posted looking for buyers. I skipped CL because I just have spent too much time working on it with no results. My ads just don't come up on CL. (Like my daddy always said " If they don't want my business, screw 'em!. So I did!)

I also posted on a couple of journals
Answered my Emails and PMs
Listened to the mentor call
Checked out a few free classifieds sites
Posted 4 ads on 2 of the sites

Then called it a night.

I'll post today's stuff later

Till then...

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