AndyS's blog

day 73

Couldn't do too much today due to having to be in Lakeland today. I did check on my signs and the bad news is most of them are still in place. 1 was totally gone. No idea where it went. (Could have been removed by a walgreens employee because it was located at an exit of their parking lot. May not have been because there is a for rent sign on the other side of the same exit. Who knows? ) The worse news is that nobody called me still.

What else I did:
I did return a call to a fellow DGer
Made a couple of calls to landlords and left messages
Answered my PMs
Posted to a couple of forums

Doing my dailies early. I'm actually taking the time to watch MNF Eye-wink

Day 72

Still no calls. Not sure why. Feeling a little discouraged with the bandit sign idea but the alternative is to hunt down sellers which will be more costly both time wise and $$$ wise. Am seriously considering going back to tax sales.

Listened to another TA video and read from some journals. Not much else RE related today. Will be in Lakeland tomorrow so will check out my signs to see if they are still there.

Till then...

Day 71

Feeling a little blue today. Still have not received any calls from my signs. I need to try to figure out why.
I re listened to the TA report and did the exercise. It confirmed that I care very much about helping others before I care about helping myself. I need to see how I can do both at the same time if I am going to get out of this financial hole.

So this is what I did today:
I answered my PM and checked my mail (nothing interesting enough to read.)
I posted in 1 journal
I put out some more bandit signs

Doing my dailies then going to do some lure biz stuff. Even tho it's 11:30 pm, I still have to work to make the BILLS money. At least I'll be able to watch some football tomorrow while I work.

Till tomorrow...

Days 69 & 70

The path is long and I am weery. I've been reading over my last few entries and noticed that I do a lot on this site but I am not spending enough time looking for deals. That changed today!
I spent most of my RE time checking ads and trying to find homes for my buyers. I've found a few but will need to do more research before making calls on them.

day 68

Had a tech issue last night and my rodent died (the mouse went capoot!)so I was unable to finish listening to R. Branson's video. Went into town again today to get a new one so I checked my signs again. Did find 1 that was broken and tossed into the high grass. It may have been from another investor because I put this sign in a neighborhood that I saw had houses being renovated. No one else would have had a reason to move my sign or toss it where I found it. Will contemplate making a I SELL HOUSES sign for over there to try and get them to call me.

Besides that, I:
Answered my email and PMs
Listened to another webinar
Relistened to Deans RBBP final call.
Went to Trusted Authority site and filled out my DNA and read his report
Posted to a couple of forums

Day 67

Things are happening slowly but surely. We are moving forward and that's all that is important!

Today I went to check out my bandit signs. I only had 1 sign that was effected by the storm from the weekend. The rest are still working and I've been given indications that they are being seen.

I also placed my cards in the laundromat in town. Went looking for more waiting areas to put more signs but there seems to be less of them now. Even places I've been to before that had them have taken them down or eliminated them. Good thing I didn't order 100 cardholders!!

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