jd.amico's blog

Realtors - "get one"

Wowzers (Realtors terrify me)

Thousands of Real Estate Agents in the Denver Metro area
and even if they initially say they're Investor Friendly no-one wants to work with me.

Til now,

I remembered a young Realtor being at an Investor meeting I attend annually (Peter Conti's - Commercial Summit). Anyway, I looked & found the gentleman's biz card in the stack (stack of potential buyers, co-wholesalers, equity partners, etc..., not competition). ....Heck, I needed these biz cards in book anyway.....and anyway.....


I'm a bit ilretardo (Italian for slow....not mentally or physically impaired).....OK......I'm mentally challenged.

I see the "read more" under my blog...drrrrrrr
so please disregard previous post...thx a million.

Just wanted to get this posted before I get bad P.R. (it travels so fast).


Bad Blog!!!

Oh mannnnnn

I didn't relize the blog was limited to space....my previous 2 entries are exactly half of what I wrote.

Its too bad.....thats where all great stuff is.....

So just to let anyone who may possibly stumble on to them know....I didn't try to keep the secrets tips and tricks for bandit sign success from you.

I probably won't do another blog if I can't complete my thoughts.....so

It was nice to share.

Another tip (before I go)is how to carry your signs up to your intersection. I had an open laptop size hand-bag. the signs protruded a little bit with my stake in the middle....it was comfortable and I wasn't all clumsy toting 4 signs (plus all else) or fumbling. Got pics. Smiling

Doing It Wrong!!!

Well, I did put up signs all right and it did take me 10 hours to get 70 up (I was so tired when I got in last night or was that this morning.....I may have posted that I put all 100 up.....it was only 70).

Why doing it wrong "Title"?

I just reviewed my Edge 2011 material; where bandit signs were reviewed and....yes, I knew yellow signs with hand written receives twice as many responses....

and then Matt said, "Don't deviate from this verbiage.....its proven to generate the most calls".....

So, now I had to put out twice as many signs than recommended to make-up for color and then for verbiage then.......this is the bad part.....I hope none of the DG team won't be reading this next section...but.....

Doing It!

A few weeks back I put out bandit signs....hand written but I had the foam Dollar store 20x30 sheets and Lowels garden stakes (get stakes at home depot instead.....come in a variety of lengths).

I received a couple dozen calls about the 4 ghost ads....wow and they where all on the same intersection (probably added credibility from all the other non ghost ads surrounding the area).

I had another 20 out there (non 3b/2b ghost ads) they were "I Buy Houses" , "I buy fast, close fast", "Want a fast sell.....CLOSED" etc.... I mixed it up a bit and took pictures of every sign.

Well, DON'T BUY FOAM !!!!

it begins to warp in the heat and twist in at the corners and I was foolish enough to use 2 deck screws. ....then the wind blew most of them down and away.

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