
Getting Started

I had another profile on here that I never used. So with all of the changes that happned over the last year and a half, I deleted it and started over.

I wrote down some goals for myself, but I want to share them on here that way a year from now when I am sitting at the EDGE I can say whether or not I actually accomplished those goals.

Baby Step Goals:
1. Research my current market area and make sure I'm shooting for a good area
2. Review my "Why" and do the "Seven Layers Deep" with my soon to be husband
3. Beef up my cash buyers list
4. New business cards (I'm getting married so the info has changed)
5. Get a power team set up
6. Bandit signs and marketing tools in place

Big Dream Goals:
1. Write a book
2. Get DG mentoring
3. Travel out of the country at least 2/year

I'm a FLORIDA R.E. Sales Agent available to everyone who needs help

Hello everyone! I became a Florida lic. Rltr in order to help investors like yourself and your friends.
Call me or email me with your criteria.


what supplements should i take to burn fat

I mean it was really a really a positive thing it in the next three months the second is gone is sixty pounds she's got the tools she's got knowledge she's got motivations it's time for her to carry this transformation on by herself any show bob was so happy you know to have that help here now it it's just amazing and she's really nice at the scene do a great job Obama to leave it to you and I'm tonnage on to work and you know you have my phone number been okay alright Gore de today's my first day back at work at my biggest fear as being able to keep but at the same pace that I was for the last 90 days there’s the marquee players I used to go there mom him they have been that bad you admire that has been ignored luxury 10 like it doesn't even exist going to come home yesterday is that th

Naturally Weight Loss With Supplement

What happens when you spike something up really high it falls down so once that blood sugar spikes starts to plummet that's when you start feeling hungry again on meanwhile just Tennessee will how much the realists you know Cubans are most people just how we are eating like three cups have cereal missus with three cups if you eat three cups serial you would be getting I what like 32 grams of sugar and that’s more than a Hershey bar I mean we're talking you like your bowl of cereal you might as well have just eaten the candy bar that's not freaking cool right okay so while we're on the subject to breakfast I also want to touch on this instant oatmeal and again we can look at this ingredient label and we have the classic characteristics but really tiny font that you can't even read which r

Positive feelings

As I said I am reading deans 30 days to cash and I was starting to doubt because I was having no luck with the real estate agents. I am moving outside my local area and am having better luck.

Natural Supplements To Improve Sexual Health

The best interest it depends I need to individualize that on someone's medication so we need to take that case on a case by case basis and look at the rest and benefits and the other medications and other health conditions the question Isis it safe to take a couple green tea on a daily basis I while you're taking tamoxifen post breast cancer treatment well on 8 he depends on how you're taking the Green Team on if you take it with milk you’re probably not going to absorb the EGCG if you take it with lemon you’re probably going to absorb more up the EGCG arm it depends on how fresh the leaves are and how strong your brewing at so I'm the dose that most up the studies are using with the Eggs is much higher at the it equivalent of10 to 12 cops ft per day so the reality is the risk of proba

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