
Living Life EDGE to EDGE

I was inspired by Gina Horatis, who said she lives her life "EDGE to EDGE" - every year, between EDGE Conferences, she takes her game to a whole new level, each time she goes.

I'm going to do the same, between my First, and my next, and my next, and my next Smiling

I have my Notebook, and at the top I write the Date, and "EDGE DAY 7" at the top this morning, then I write out my goals, then I write out what I'm going to do every day.

Joe Jurek said to make yourself a Scorecard of each Month - the people you work for expect you to get things done, make a list and keep yourself accountable MONTHLY as well! I've got a massive list of takeaways from the EDGE that I am implementing aggressively, while making sure I balance my time with my beautiful wife and 19 month old daughter Smiling

EDGE Event

THANK YOU, graci!,
The Edge event got me motivated. I made 5 offers this week, while working my day job. One deal under contract with bites and selling to another wholesale construction team.

I am putting it out to the universe. I AM Shifting into real estate full time 2015, making millions.
I'd Love to join Dean's team by networking starting in Tucson, AZ this year 2014.

Susan Boyd
Covey LLC

email PM for residential rentals under 60K turn key:)

information from the DG family

I submitted a request quite a while ago about information on a selected person in an area of the Southeast. I am not sure I sent the request to the right place. The info I requested goes back to a request thru Deans office looking for a representative in an area of the US that is an ' emerging ' market. I put my name in the ' hat ' so to speak and did not make the cut. I sent an email to the DG email site that was to be sent to Dean to be read. I understand the gravity of the volume of info / request he gets everyday which I did not expect to receive a response too soon but alot time has passed by. My request was to find out the person in my area to partner with or if their experience superior to mine then a return call / email would have been nice.


i am trying t wholesale a property that is in south carolina i have a motivated seller ready to make a offer and lock it up under contract only thing is i live in nyc
i have no fax machine i may have a scanner but not sure if it works what should i do should i mail the contract to the seller ??

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you and okay the birthday okay then another wonderful feature my favorite it that you can't finished your faith you can check take your day with you I think I got my faith %uh a phoenix-area card on my way to my daughter that I going at issue okay you know this is going okay I her bag you know whatever yeah you get carried away your free K track if under of now armpit how couches %ah cargo craft indeed now first call travel pastel and Heather hate feature currently travel you just hate you and spent together it now crowd panoramic yeah he and for if I'm in Miami I'll get you a free-for-all get and math what you'regonna do you any harm that you're going to just striking paper peak lovelovelove she had track tell me this are going to do I hack it take you up here on page six and opening up f

How Do You Find A Motivated Seller Fast, Then Find A Buyer Super-FAST?

So I go out and search for F S B O'S first.

Call the number listed and get info on the property.
The price, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms and
square footage?
Then, I ask how long has =3,137.95828125 it been in the market and
why are you selling it?
Then you ask the owner if that's their lowest price?
Then, you do the research online at or at
the county records?
Then you do the comps on similar properties that
have recently sold in the last 6 months?
Then you contact seller to see their home and
make an offer at 50-70% less than the market value
BUT, now your suppose to subtract the repairs that
the house will need from the offer you make?
Then, if they agree to your terms, you assign a
contract with an exit strategy and you begin to

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