atepro's blog

Bandit Signs

2:00 p.m.

Just got off the phone with another cash investor. $250k!!! So far that's $600k cash & $2 million in financing. Ready to make some deals. This is the longest weekend ever. I love it. Itching to make it happen. Need to practice, and lign up everything. Does any one know the steps after the bid has been accepted?

I tell them that I can pass the best deal onto new home buyers because I buy 10-20 homes at a time. Since I've been using that line everyone is super excited to keep in contact with me.


Monday 1:28 p.m.

Just got off the phone with the contributing editor to the local newspaper. I had done this editorial piece on banking/ finance. I have limitted knowledge of the subject--very limitted. The guy liked what I wrote (seriously-me). He even went around town to different organizations looking for me. I only did the piece as a favor for this group that was looking for publicity. Now, I could do more work. There has to be a way to tie this into my new business. Wording is key. How now is the best time for people to achieve the American Dream of home ownership. Any ideas? Please, let me know. I appreciate any and all comments.

Do It Everyday

9:43 a.m.

Woke up still believing that my previous idea of doing multiple closings at one time is a great idea. Tried finding listings on-line that fit my buyers. Looking specifically for the brokers that have the most listings that fit my buyers instead of picking one property from one broker and 2-3 from another.

1. Send letter to brokers explaining my needs as an investor and what I need from an agent.

2. Compiling a list of properties to e-mail to my buyers so they can take a look at which ones they like.

3. Compile list of wanted properties. Create personalized "tape".

4. Bid on all the properties at once. i.e. these 10 properties for $1.5 million.

Streamlining sales

Thinking about Deans' whole thing about making sales more efficient. Have currently about 15-20 buyers. Why not DO THEM ALL AT ONE TIME. That will make the bank lower the price. Right? Like a TAPE I create. The buyer can looks at homes in the "tape"/ way cheaper and the regular reo or retail that cost more. Turned the computer on at 12 a.m. just so I won't forget in the morning. Hope this looks good after some sleep.

Cash Buyer

7:53 p.m.

Got a call from my first cash buyer. Happy Dance!! 200k for a property she wants to rent out. Thanx to bandit signs, I have 15 investors and not enough property. Too much money and no where to spend it. Before I get ahead of myself. My next step:

1. Call my agent (he loves me I threw him some rental money I didn't know how to spend.

2. Get listings of properties $100-500k. I love fairfield county.

3. Show listings to buyers

4. Put in bids

What this time is all about

Sunday 5:41

O.K. so I'm not making money yet. But I can taste it!! I know that taste, that feeling, and this is going to be a big one. And to be able to carry this feeling, making money, while enjoying myself with my girls in a park surrounded by friends and family. Everyone needs to stop and think what sacrifices were made so that we are free. I'm not a political person. But I am thankful that we are free to try our own way.

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