Well I have not heard of a website with a buyer's list but I have an idea for you to help build your buyer's list (and yes it does work) Go to a few open houses or an auction there will be a list with names and numbers on it these are possible buyer's of property or future investors. Bring a note pad and a pen and get to know the people who are there you may wind up with an investor in your pocket or a future buyer of a property.
Hope this helps
I don't know what area your in, but you can look for real estate investor groups or associations in your area. They generally have a lot of investors in their community. SOme are looking to buy and others sell, but you should be able to find them there.
Here are a couple websites for REI groups in MD and DE.
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Buyer's List for RE
Well I have not heard of a website with a buyer's list but I have an idea for you to help build your buyer's list (and yes it does work) Go to a few open houses or an auction there will be a list with names and numbers on it these are possible buyer's of property or future investors. Bring a note pad and a pen and get to know the people who are there you may wind up with an investor in your pocket or a future buyer of a property.
Hope this helps
Buyer's list
I don't know what area your in, but you can look for real estate investor groups or associations in your area. They generally have a lot of investors in their community. SOme are looking to buy and others sell, but you should be able to find them there.
Here are a couple websites for REI groups in MD and DE.
http://delreia.com - Delaware Real Estate Investors' Association
http://somdreig.com - Southern Maryland Real Estate Investors' Group
Both of these have many buyers in the group.