I was wondering if anyone has had any experiences with REI CLubs in the area? There aren't too many nearby.

Please share your experiences regarding your visit or membership with an REI Club.



I thought that was you responding to my blurb I put in another group. (Still getting use to usernames vs real names.) Thanks for the input. And you're right I am doing my due diligence, just in the early stages. By the time I get done with this I'll have all the numbers and if it's not a positive cash flow, I'll be moving on to the next one.

Thanks again for the support! Appreciate It!!!


We're All In ...

newage8767's picture

Hi Rick,

We are all in this together. I was just trying to give back! I have received so much help and information from these forums I can hardly beleive it. The support is overwhelmingly appreciated.

All Joined Up!

michaelwestman's picture

I got your invitation to join this group via email so have joined officially. I met up with someone who answered one of my Craigslist posting who lives here too and who is a fellow DGer. He'll be interested in joining, I'm sure. I'm going to see him at an auction this weekend so I'll talk to him about joining.

I started everything several months ago by joining the Real Deal Meetup. You can find this meetup group at which happens in Catonsville on the 4th Saturday of the month. The next meeting is on November 28th at 9:30am. Would be fun to get those of us who are meeting here at DG in this group to mob the meeting! At some point I'm going to join the Baltimore REIA which Richard mentions in a previous post. This is a much larger meeting with a very nominal annual fee which meets up in Towson. Charles Blair and William Fell, both very successful Baltimore investors, run the groups. Sometimes you get more information than you can handle but this is a great place to start AND do a lot of networking, which is the name of this game I'm beginning to find out. I've gotten most of my wholsaler contacts at this meetup, as well as, contractors, hard money lenders, etc. It's been a great group so far. There are over 400 members all of whom you can consider on your buyers list! Let's make this happen guys, I need that first deal to get me going strong.


newage8767's picture

Thanks for sharing this with the Group. I am going to try to make that 11/28 meeting. I actually live near Catonsville, in the Catonsville Manor area. This meeting on the 28th is with the Meetup group and not with the Baltimore REI Club, right?

Yes, it would be great if all of us DG investor members could make it there on the 28th!!

I haven't heard of the Meetup Group before. Nice to find a group that is so close to me! I'm going to check out the link you sent to find out more about them and where they are actually located.

I found that the Baltimore REI Club is one of the more reasonable clubs price wise. I think that if you are not a member you have to pay $20 at the door to get in. I don't know if they let you attend a meeting as a first-timer for free as some of the other clubs do. I went on their (Baltimore REI Club) site and didn't see anything about a free meeting. What about the Meetup Group; do they allow you to attend the first meeting free?

Thanks for sharing that Michael and I know what you mean about getting that first deal done. That first deal will really spark the fire!

All you Baltimore DG investors, new and seasoned -- Michael gave the shout out for us to join together and attend that 11/28/09 Meetup meeting! I'll be there, what about you?

P.S. Michael, the friend you referred to from Craig's list who is also a DG member -- send him a PM and tell him to come join our group. Or let me know his screed ID so I can send him an invite to join.

Thanks all. Happy Investing


michaelwestman's picture

Hey there, the gentleman I met from Craigslist is Maulik Dave. His screen name on this site is gudfella797. Give him a shout and get him on board. I think it's a great idea to get together at this month's meetup! The meeting is in Catonsville. Can't wait to meet everyone.


Thanks Michael

newage8767's picture

I'm sending him an invite today. Thanks for referring him.

You're Always Welcome

michaelwestman's picture

Maulik is a great guy. You'll enjoy meeting him. We always go to the Real Deal Meetup together. Can't wait to meet you!


newage8767's picture

So, I'll get to meet both of you at the meeting then!
I'm excited too!

Michael, are people from the meetup group emailing you any properties? I got several from some of the members there. They just send me the property information or more like to FMV/rehab numbers. Don't know if they are selling or trying to assign or what!

When I go to the meeting I'm going to try to find some contractors who would be interested at looking at properties for me so I can get some rehab figures. I have to come up with something that will get them to do it without them charging me cause I'm broke! LOL

I do get plenty of email

michaelwestman's picture

I do get plenty of email from them. Remeber to start adding them to your buyers list as well as adding anyone else that might be mentioned in the messages: contractors, realtors, lead paint people, painters, etc. Keep in mind that there are over 400 people who are involved with this meetup so you almost have a ready made buyers list here, as well as, resources for just about anything else you'll need!

To answer your question: They are doing all of the above to move properties. If you're wondering, ask, they'll tell you what they are looking for in properties they want to buy, if they are looking to assign a property to you, whatever. After you meet some of these people you'll begin to see how important being a part of these clubs is. The network is EVERYTHING.


newage8767's picture

I'm glad you gave me that tip! I never thought to keep track of those that I'm receiving the emails from. I just thought they hit the reply button accidentally sending the email to all the members by mistake! I will definately keep better track of these.

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