New HUD Website Maps Out REO Properties

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to look at a map and see all of the FHA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac REO properties in one place? Well, it’s new and still developing, but HUD is doing this at

You must create a free account to access the site data, but it’s easy and fast.

You are able to designate by drawing an area on a map the neighborhoods you want to track. Once you draw out one or more areas, you receive, within 24 hours they say, a PDF in an email with all of the REO properties for the three big players in the market.

There is still some missing data and a few glitches, but this could be a really great resource for investors. Though it doesn’t tell us, the question is when will an REO property hit the map? Will it be as soon as they take it back? If so, that would be before it gets listed … interesting.


bamagirl6730's picture

Thank you Jeremy! This is too cool! (love new tools to play with - lol) I just set up some specific street to streets and then some broader boundaries of some of my hot spots.

Really cool that you can input street address and see some of the 'weight' of Fannie, Freddie & FHA and in the proximity to your property! SWEET!

Can't wait to see the reports. Little pop up did say should receive in 24 hrs.

Will post on receipt of report!

Thanks again! Two cool point to you today!! hehehe! Smiling


Checked the HUD site before

Sabline's picture

I did this a while back on the HUD site looking for tax delinquent properties. Found a property for a dollar, it needed A LOT of work. Google map showed the whole block and how this property was just an eyesore bringing the rest of the block down. I told some people about it and they looked into the property.

This area of the site sounds far more advanced. Can't wait to check it out. Thanks for the update.

Vacant Properties

Mark K's picture

I clicked on my area and the stats popped up, one of them was: "USPS Residential Addresses Vacant 90+ days: 100"
Anybody have any ideas how I could find out where these properties are?
...other than driving around and looking for tall grass.
My mind is drawing a blank atm.

thanks jeremy

Jay Sthilaire's picture

Got to check this out too! !! You spoil us with awesome tools! !!! We CANNOT FAIL! !


Rick888's picture

This looks like a great tool. I checked out my area and found a lot of REO properties. I'll have to keep researching and see just what all this site has to offer.
Thanks for the great info!


Thank You

Just tried out this tool. Waiting for my email with the information.


Great Info Jeremy, Thanks!

jerrymcde's picture

This was great, I was able to designate by mapping out the hot spots, and I received the pdf file the next day! As a newbie, not sure if I should contact the agents via email or what first steps I should take. Could someone help me?

Thank you,


Awesome tip Flip Kid..

Elelina1's picture

Hey Jeremy,

Awesome tip. Thank you so much. Haven't got the results yet, but I did meet a realtor today who is savy in Hud homes, so talk about timing. Thanks again. So this should be fun...

Mahalo nui loa, Elelina

Hud homes and Vacant homes Thanks Jeremy & Mark

Some great ideas. I know that there is a lot in my area. I will be out looking into this week in my area. Sam


Using Matt's script, I'm looking for agents. I'm talking to an agent now via email. I indicated to him what I wanted. It sounds like he really wants to help me by finding what I want. This is his question to me: "Is there a maximum dollar amount for the total cost of purchase and repairs? This will allow me to know the top of your comfort (safe) zone". What dollar amount should I give him? Help me please!

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