NW Arkansas Real Estate Investors

My name is Grady Richard Corbin of Eureka Springs, ARkansas. My wife and have been investing in RE for a few years and are now part of the Dean Graziosi success team.
If you are in our area and would like to meet up or know of an existing REI club in NW ARk. please inform me.
G.Richard Corbin
ITLT Ventures, LLC
Real Estate Investors
479 981 1021

New Group

This one is for birddogs to stop by and list their desire to help investors from their areas of interest. Be a BIRDDOG for investors, get paid.

Plz refer those you see who are willing to be birddogs. Please be aware that your email addresses are not showing as written.

The group name is now called "300++ BIRDDOGS" and, it's still growing!!

If you still want to reply here, great! Just remember to back out of here to the group home list, find the group named "300++ BIRDDOGS" and join! That way everyone looking for birddogs can find you, since sometimes the replies get lost in the mix of all the postings. Thanx.

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